
Saturday, February 2, 2013

About Me

Why, hello there! And welcome to my humble little blog!

I guess I should tell you a little about myself.

I am 30 years old.
I am married and I have 3 sons, ages 5 and under.
I live in Texas and I am a stay at home mom.
I love French fries and fast food.
Right now I have a BMI of 32 so I am considered obese.
I've been overweight since at least as early as High School.
My dad died of a heart attack when he was just 59 years old (I was only 28).
I'm scared the same thing will happen to me.

I've been thinking about how much of myself I should share. I know I need to post a before picture and I'll want to share photos of my juices along with recipes (and let you know if it's kid friendly). What scares me most though is publicly admitting my current weight. Maybe it's because I will have to become completely accountable? Maybe because I know that anyone will be able to search my name, find this blog, and find out how much I weigh? I can't hide behind clothes. I NEED to be completely transparent but I am scared!!! I feel like posting my weight is admitting I've failed. I've been failing my body for years and years and to be honest, it's embarrassing but it's time to get serious. It's time to be honest with myself and I think the best and most effective way for me to be honest with myself is to put it all out there. To air my dirty laundry, so to speak, and to CHANGE.

My goal is not just for weight loss. My goal is to change! To change my life! To change my way of thinking and living. So stay tuned. I will be posting my current weight soon.

I don't know if you've seen this quote, but I need it printed on a shirt and I need to wear it daily:

What about you? Are any of you out there planning on doing a juice cleanse or fast?


  1. hi teela,

    i admire your commitment towards your lifestyle change. it takes alot of discipline to do what you are doing especially with everything around us that makes it easy for moms on the go to grab fast food. i have lived with cellulite since highschool and now that i am 34 years old with 3 daughters, i want to change and finally be confident and comfortable in my skin. my family has a history of health problems and I'm scared too.. i want to be around a long time to watch my kids grow and eventually have a family of their own. finding your blog this early morning has given me that extra push i needed to say, "ok, I'm gonna do this, if she can, I can too"! thank you so much for sharing your story and progress. I look forward to your updates. (:


    1. Shay,
      Thank you so much for having the courage to reach out. It seems like we have a lot in common and I am really excited for you to start this journey. The first week is the absolute hardest BUT the end result is so absolutely rewarding. I got so much more out of my 40 Day fast than I ever imagined. I am starting another 30 Day fast in May and I am extremely excited.

      I wish you the very best of luck on your journey! Please stay in touch so I can follow your progress as well!

  2. Teela. Awesome job with this blog. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this. I have been on a 30 reboot for 4 days (at end of today) and I'm feeling pretty bad right now. I really miss having dinner and the idea of just having a juice instead of dinner is really bothering me today. I will try to muscle through.

    1. I'm SO SO sorry that it took me so long to reply. How are you doing now?

      I also had a really hard time the first week or so when I just couldn't trust myself around food, but once I started feeling better, I was able to sit at the table with the kids and husband during dinner.

      What day are you on now?

  3. I am totally inspired by your story! I am 49 with liver issues and far more overweight than I ever thought I would let myself become. when I found your blog I knew it was a godsend and am beginning my fast on Thursday of this week.

    1. How has your fast gone so far, Atlanta_bambi?

  4. Ok, now that I've calmed down a bit after finding your blog online earlier, let
    me tell you a little bit about me. I'm 39 years old & have recently separated
    from my husband after 22 years together, 15 of those years married. To say that
    I am heartbroken would be an understatement. After so many years together, I'm
    not sure I know how to be without him. We have a 9 year old son, Austin- the
    only child we can have due to medical reasons of mine. Austin has pediatric
    bipolar disorder & an anxiety disorder that makes him struggle through every
    single moment of everyday. THAT is heartbreaking. His dad, my husband also
    struggles with anxiety but is not treated. I've struggled with anxiety &
    depression for several years & this past May, I attempted suicide. When I was
    unsuccessful I became deeply depressed & issues between my husband & I
    Over the past 3-4 years I've consistently turned to food for comfort. Well
    actually for everything! Celebrations, holidays, birthdays, depression,
    anxiety....& now loneliness. And gained & gained & gained. And then got
    depressed & ate more. It's really a sick vicious cycle. In the past 3 months,
    living on my own I've gained another 15 pounds! Meanwhile my husband has
    completely focused on a healthy diet & working out & is looking better than he
    did in our 20's! Ughhh. HELP!
    So- in addition to all that, at work my sales team was rewarded a few weeks ago
    with a 3 day trip to New Orleans. I love to travel & have never been to NOLA.
    This is very exciting. it's also extremely anxiety provoking. 15 of us will be
    going. Both men & women between the ages of 23-45. All other women but me
    between the sizes of 2-10. I've had low self esteem my whole life. I'm 5'10 &
    was always the tallest girl in school, which I was not comfortable with. I
    thought I was fat in college at 155lbs. That was 60lbs ago!!!!! Ughhhh. OK
    so, this trip to New Orleans is Feb. 5th! One month away!! How much do you
    think I can do by then?? Let's try your 30 day juice fast personal coaching

    I look forward to talking with you.

    Upstate NY

  5. Hi Teela, Can you share if you experience any constipation while you were juicing, and if yes, what did you use?
    Thank you



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