
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 2 AKA The Dreaded Chocolate Holiday AKA Valentine's Day

Today I was tempted even more than Day 1.

I was the Pizza Mom for the class party today. I had to pick up and deliver the pizza's to school. My husband and I rode in the car for about 15 minutes with the smell of fresh baked bread, gooey cheese, tomato sauce and garlic. Dear Lord, I'm salivating right now.

Then guess who gets put in charge of the chocolate fondu station!?!?!?!?!? Yes, yours truly.

If you don't know me, chocolate covered strawberries are an absolute MUST for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. Plain and simple. That is my staple. And there I sat.....right next to a fountain of chocolates and fresh strawberries!!!! And that fat girl mentality was saying, "You can have a strawberry!!! It's raw fruit. It's not cheating as long as you don't get the chocolate." And lets be honest, for some people on a juicing fast, one single strawberry as a treat on Valentine's Day is probably not cheating.....but for me, IT IS. I'm an addict. I am going through food rehab. There is no word in the English dictionary that describes how terrible I am at self control when it comes to food and I am going to change that!

And....guess what?!?! I survived!!!! I resisted! I didn't cave. I stood strong and i am damn proud! I said the serenity prayer about a million times, and just as He promised, He was there for me. He gives me strength.


  1. OMG - the devil was there and you were in the wilderness girl! I smell food more - do you? Things I don't think I would have noticed before - I do. Good job on resisting -I'm right there with you. BUT we are already done with day three - at least in terms of food if you are all done with your juice for the day! Go us!

  2. I couldn't agree more! And yes! The smells of food....yikes! I've also found myself avoiding Facebook because of the insane amount of photos of food on there! And seeing how much people talk about food! Lol.

    But yes! Go us! I'm proud!!!


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