
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Daily Routine

People have asked what my daily routine is.

Morning Routine

Monday through Friday is a notch above chaotic. I wake up just before 5 am and I spend about 30 minutes just mentally preparing myself for the day. I might check my emails or my blog. Maybe write out a grocery list or something super responsible sounding (sadly, I will most likely leave said grocery list sitting on the dinning room table, but hey! Don't judge!). Or just surf Facebook for the cute and inspiring news stories and videos.

5:30 am
I start packing lunches for our twins (the Big Boys), out out all the medicine and vitamins for the day and try to hunt down matching socks. I also take this time to make myself and my husband a breakfast juice and then my husband leaves for work.

6:00 am
I wake up the Big Boys, we pick out their clothes and then they each take turns getting in the shower. Next they get dressed and we go downstairs for breakfast.

6:20 am
I'll get breakfast set out for the older boys, they take their vitamins and medicine and then it's time to wake our 18 month old (Little Dude) and get him dressed and fed and ready for the day.

6:50 am
I brush all kids' teeth, brush hair, wash faces, double check that homework and lunch boxes are in the backpack and then we out the door no later than

7:15 am (hopefully)
drive and drop off older boys.

Then I won't bore you with details but Little Dude and I either go home and read books, play and clean or we run errands. Or all of the above.

Afternoon Routine

10:30/11:00 am
Lunch time for Little Dude. I make him a variety of snack items and I'll make myself a sandwich or a juice.

Little Dude goes down for a nap.
I use this time for myself. I like to watch a show on Netflix or the Ipad. Sometimes I'll read a book. I'll also use this time to straighten up the mess that Little Guy did throughout the day. I basically recharge myself. I get ready for the next hectic part of the day.......after school.

2:00 pm
Little Dude wakes from his nap and we play around for a few minutes and get ready to pick up the Big Boys from school.

3:00 pm
Wait in pick-up line at school.
Get kids.
Go home.

3:30 pm
Homework with Big Boys while Little Dude screams and demands my attention (frustration on all of the kids and myself)

4:15 pm
I tear myself away from homework and the Little Dude to start cooking dinner.

5:00 pm
The Husband gets home

Dinner time.

6:00 pm
Bath time for Little Dude
More reading/homework with Big Boys

Bedtime for Big Boys and Little Dude.


I'll have to post my Evening Routine soon. Just writing that down wore me out!

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