
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Break at Six Flags

My twins are 5 years old. While I would have been perfectly content hiding in my house for all of Spring Break, hoping to ignore all the delicious food, I figured that wouldn't be fair to the kids or to their grandparents who want to have fun with them.

We decided to go to Six Flags on Monday (Day 27) and spend the entire day there. Six Flags is about an hour from our home so I knew that in order not to cave and EAT ALL OF THE THINGS!!!!!! would be to prepare, prepare, prepare. I started off the day with a big glass of Mean Green and then we went all lazy and *gasp* bought some Naked 100% fresh veggie/fruit juices. I didn't think Six Flags would have allowed me to take my Mason Jars filled with my own fresh juice so we went with store brand. It was more expensive but it was also just plain easier.

We packed a cooler full of ice, water, Naked brand juice and some drinks for the kids.

I craved foods. I smelled the funnel cake and it made me drool. I walked past an asian place and salivated. I even sat down with the kids while they ate chicken tenders and my all time favorite, my ultimate weakness, french fries. I wanted to cave so bad but I stayed strong. Having my mom there really helped, I think. We laughed and joked about me being desperate enough to pick up discarded food left on the street and being completely content....but she was supportive and that really made all the difference. She truly understood why I was doing this, even if she says there is no way she could ever go this long without eating (but of course I know she can).

Because I am a stay at home mom and because I live in a small little college town, I forgot how hard it would be driving down the highway, passing all the fast food places and billboards advertising delicious looking food. It was damn difficult!!! I get in my little San Marcos routine, I pass a few fast food places, but I know to expect them. No biggie. Yesterday was pretty hard.

So imagine today, after having faced temptations and standing strong, I step on the scale and I ended up gaining a pound. Yes, I am almost too ashamed to admit that I am still a slave to my scale. Anyway, I wanted to yell and scream...and if I am going completely honest, I did throw a slight fit....but I told myself that I KNOW I did great!!! I KNOW I didn't gain weight because I stuffed my face full of all the fried foods I wanted to eat, it just happens sometimes. My body doesn't shed the weight like some other people but I have to love my body for what it is. It might take me longer to get to my goal weight than others, but that is perfectly normal AND I'm still getting there faster than I would be of I had my old lifestyle of eating.

While I am fasting, I have many friends who are not but who are still making extremely healthy eating decisions and even though they might feel like they have "failed" because they didn't (at first) meet their goal and "fell off the wagon" so to speak, they ARE successful!!!! The point of a fast or reboot is not to go on for the rest of your life never eating another morsel of food. The point of a fast or reboot is not to see if you can beat everyone else and become the World Record Holder for the amount of days spent juicing, or to get the award for the most weight lost in the shortest amount of time. The point of a fast or a reboot IS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! We are all so very different and yet we are making positive daily changes. Stay strong!!! Keep the faith that what you are doing WILL change your life for the better! And juice on, y'all! Teela


  1. Go Teela! I have not tried the "naked" juice but after your endorsement I will! Sometimes Costco will have some of these juices to try and I have not found them at all appetizing. I think the Berry one sounds good because berries are one of my favorite things. I think I must be one of a few that does not like carrot juice - at all. Your vacation sound like a lot of fum and I am so envious of your weather! It is cold here in Michigan - and snowing :-(

    1. "fun" I should have checked my spelling more carefully!


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