
Monday, April 1, 2013

Checking In!

Well, I've been eating for a week now and I've gained more than I'd like to admit. I've gained more than 5 lbs but less than 10 lbs. which sounds HUGE in a week's time but it's really not when you think about it. My body went from only receiving nutrients through liquids to actually getting foods again. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period and I guess I was expecting about 5 lbs but it's the extra few pounds that make me uncomfortable.

I won't talk about the different foods I ate because when I was fasting, I hated reading about what everyone was eating. I will say that I have been making much better decisions when it comes to food however, there is still room for MAJOR improvements. I did NOT go to my favorite fast food places though. I was reasonable.

I had someone ask me, "So, does the food taste better now?" And I've had to really think about that one. Personally, I NOW find great joy in eating foods that I know are healthy and because I'm able to enjoy it more, I do think that healthy foods are more enjoyable. When I am eating things I know aren't good for me, I'm not able to enjoy it as much. Maybe it's because I'm terrified of going back to my old ways? Maybe my taste buds really HAVE changed? Maybe it's guilt (I went 40 freakin days without chewing so why am I allowing ANYTHING that's not good for me to go into my body?????). But I'm learning, yet again, to not be so hard on myself. I also know that I don't want to turn into THAT person who lets food define who they are. I want to remain flexible yet knowledgable. Pliable yet accountable.

Since stopping the fast, I have been juicing at least one meal a day, sometimes two, but usually just one. And I miss it! I am not nearly as run down and exhausted as I was before my fast, but I most certainly don't have the over abundance of energy I had while fasting and I want that back! I wake up feeling groggy, like I'm in a haze and after my detox part of my fast, I never woke up with that almost "hangover" feeling. And when I do eat lunch, I tend to have that mid-day crash that I didn't experience while fasting.

Which brings me to my next blog post.....

Teela Juicing Herman

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