
Friday, July 11, 2014

Slip Ups, F*#k Ups, and Fake Ups

Most of you know because you read my blog, but I've been getting new contacts on my Facebook account and sometimes it feels like they think I just went to sleep one night weighing 240 lbs and then I woke up the next day, down to 130. It's crazy. I had someone say to me, "It's one thing to be able to lose 20 lbs. Anyone can do that. But I need to lose a lot more than that."

First off, I strongly disagree. It's not easy to lose 20 lbs. I don't care if you are 400 lbs or 140 lbs. Weight loss is NOT EASY (unless you live in some tribe out in the jungle or something and your diet consists of bugs and leaves from trees or something crazy like that). Weight loss doesn't come to most of us easily. You have to work your ass off. I have to work my ass off. Your MOM has to work HER ass off. It's NOT easy! Not even to those who have eating disorders. IT'S NOT EASY!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it worth it? Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Do I miss pigging out on whatever I felt like pigging out on? Sure! At times.
Would I give up where I am today so that I could eat all of that crap food again? Not a chance.

And for those of you who feel like the amount of weight you have to lose is just too overwhelming? Here's my advice/tip:

How do you eat an elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME!
How do you tackle weight loss? One pound at a time.

I slip up from time to time. I am NOT perfect. I've gained about 10 lbs recently because I lost focus on my goals with regards to the way I eat.

Do I see myself as a failure? No way!!
I've picked myself up and I got myself back on track about a week and a half ago. #noexcusesjuly !!

And one more thing on failing and failure. Guess what?

Failure is a STATE OF MIND!
No one can tell you that you've failed! No matter the situation. Why? Because IT'S NOT OVER YET! The game is still on! It might feel like you are in the bottom of the 4th quarter, home team (you) 0 and the visitors are up by 21. That's OKAY! Thankfully this isn't a race! The game only ends when YOU blow the whistle. YOU are your own referee and when you start to allow someone else to become the rule maker and referee over your life, that's when unhappiness and self doubt come in.

Bottom line, be true to YOURSELF. Don't allow anyone else to assign your happiness or self worth. Know that you are an amazing person, both inside AND out. You might not be to where you want to be yet, but that doesn't mean that you won't get there tomorrow, or next week, next month or next year.

Teela Herman
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