
Saturday, March 16, 2013


I am NOT a medical professional whatsoever. I am NOT a nutritionist. I am a wife and mother who was a few pounds away from being morbidly obese in June of 2012. I was desperate. I was miserable. I honestly did not like myself and I needed a drastic change. This is my story. This is my advice. This is what works for me.

What rules do I have to follow?

There are no real rules. If you are actually fasting for more than a few days, you will want to try to stick with the 80/20 veggie/fruit percentage as soon as you can....but in the first few days, if you need a sweeter juice to keep you from stopping, by all means, add some fruit. The way I see it, if you need a sweeter fruit based drink, it's better than chomping down a bag of chips. Also, drink as much water as possible, especially during the first few days because the water will really help flush all the toxins from your body.

Why can't I just drink fruit juices from the store? Why do I need a juicer?

Even though the juices at the store may say "no sugar", that juice has been processed so much that it loses most of its nutritional value and it is nothing at all like fresh fruit and vegetable juice. It would not be safe or healthy (in my personal opinion) to do a juicing reboot with store bought juices.

Do I have to drink The Mean Green?

Nope! Again, there are no real rules. If you don't like a drink, then don't drink it! It's better to find a drink that you do like, than to force yourself to drink something you detest. You have a better chance of staying on your reboot/fast/cleanse if you actually enjoy what you are drinking. Your palate WILL change! So if you start out not liking a juice, try it again later on. In the beginning, ginger was just too much for me. Now? I find myself adding ginger to recipes just to "give it a kick" and because I really enjoy ginger now.

Do you have to actually fast to lose weight?

No, not at all. Your weight loss will not be nearly as dramatic as it would if you were only fasting and not eating foods, but you can still lose weight and enjoy many health benefits by replacing 1-2 meals a day with juice.

How much juice should I be drinking in a day?

Listen to your body. When you are starting out, you will probably consume more juice and there is nothing wrong with that!!!!! Keep your body full! Juice is GOOD for you. When I started out, I was drinking about 70-80 oz of juice a day (based on my height and weight, some people drink far more and that's perfectly fine, too). Now, 32 days into my juice fast, I drink around 48 oz of juice. I did not limit myself on my juice consumption to try to starve myself or to make the scale move more, I simply found that as my stomach got smaller I required much less to keep me feeling full and satisfied. I do not get headaches, feel lightheaded, dizzy or nauseous. If I did, this would be my body's way of telling me I need more "food".

How much water should I be drinking?

Again, listen to your body. Water is great for you and it helps flush the toxins from your body during the first few days. Drink as much water as you can but don't make yourself sick. Drink it cold, drink it warm, drink it hot (if that's your thing....ick) but just drink! Many people enjoy coconut water as well, just make sure if you buy it, it has no added sugars. There are many different varieties of 100% coconut water to try.

Won't you just gain all the weight back?

I sincerely hope not. The reason I went so drastic and set my goal for 40 days was to reset my system, or to break my addiction to processed, unhealthy foods. And trust me, I was addicted. I feel like, "I've dedicated to not eating food for 40 days. I can't ever just go back to the way I was before." Maybe this is an immature way to think, but I truly feel that I am continuing to learn far more about food than I ever knew before. I feel like I am smarter and I've seen the benefits!! I'm living with the benefits! I have no doubt that I will gain SOME weight once I start consuming foods again, that is only to be expected. Only time will tell, I suppose! Stay tuned!

What plans do you have after your 40 Day Fast?

I'm going to Disney World!!!!! Haha. Just kidding! I wish!
To be honest, I can't wait to start incorporating HEALTHY foods back into my diet. I'm not going to sit here and lie to you, I am sure I will indulge in unhealthy foods OCCASIONALLY, but it will not be a daily, weekly, or even monthly routine. I haven't decided if I am going to become vegetarian or not...but at the moment, I really do miss meats. I want to have at least a 90% plant diet but I'm also terrible at math....seriously. Hahaha I am going to learn to ENJOY foods RESPONSIBLY, not become some crazy nutso health freak (no offense to you wonderful crazy nutso health freak readers....). I want to add in lots of beans and nuts. I'm not going to count calories, I'm going to make healthy, informed decisions.

What should I expect during the first few days of my fast?

Everyone is different but it seems that for most people, Days 2-5 seem to be the hardest. You can expect headaches, some nausea, dizziness, lack of energy and that might make you a bit cranky. This is all perfectly normal as your body is detoxing. Plan ahead for these first few days and start out your fast when shutting yourself in your room (if you are unlike me and actually can afford that luxury) for a day or two is possible. I made sure to cook my kids foods that I least craved during the first week. We didn't keep many snack foods on hand (having 3 young ones, we couldn't just throw every single processed food out the door) but the ones we did have, we kept out of sight, out of mind.

This isn't working! What is wrong!?!?!

I've hit a week long plateau. I really struggled and wanted to put blame somewhere. I wasn't eating any foods and yet the scale wasn't moving....or better yet, I had gained half a pound!!!! And you know what, I won't lie. It sucks. HOWEVER, I've found that when I get stuck, I really try my best to change up my drinks, make sure I'm "juicing the rainbow" (getting in all colors of fruits and veggies), up my water intake and STUCK WITH IT, the weight DID come off. Plus, you have to keep reminding yourself that this isn't JUST for weight loss. This is for a lifestyle change. On the days when I've not lost any weight, I focus on the fact that I feel damn good! I focus on the fact that I feel younger and more full of energy than I've had in YEARS! I focus on the fact that I know every single bit of everything I put in my body the day before and I stand confident that it is healthy for me and far better than the alternative, which for me was being a glutinous pig. I'll be honest, there are good days and bad days, but focus on the good and soon the bad passes by. I don't have a bag of fast food to hide behind anymore. And with my new figure, I don't want to hide behind anything!!!!!

Did you get seen by a doctor before starting your fast?

No. I started my fast on February 13, 2013 and had not been to see my doctor since August 2012, some 6 months prior. However, on Day 4 of my fast, I woke with ear pressure that started getting increasingly painful as the day wore on and it just so happened to be on a Saturday. Lovely. So I went to Urgent Care and was seen by a doctor who said my ear was so infected that the eardrum was about to burst. I brought up the fact that I started (this was my very simple explanation to a doctor who had never seen me before and whom I'll probably never see again) a completely raw vegan diet and I wanted to know if that had anything to do with my ear pain. He assured me the ear infection had nothing to do with my "raw vegan diet".
By the next Wednesday the pain was getting worse and I could tell the antibiotics were no longer working so I went in to see my family care physician. He looked at my ear, agreed with the Urgent Care doctor and upped the antibiotic dosage. Then we had a nice long talk about my lifestyle change and the 40 Day Juice Fast I was currently undergoing to reboot my system and break my addiction to unhealthy foods. Looking back, if I'm being honest, I was really hoping for an out. I was hoping that this doctor would tell me that I was insane to get on this "crazy crash diet" and to get myself a burger and fries on the way home. Yeah, that didn't happen. My doctor flipped back to our last visit and said, "Well, lets see. You were 216 pounds 6 months ago. Today you weigh 184 pounds. You've brought your BMI down over 5 points. Well done! Keep it up!" He did say that while he thought it was a bit extreme, he understood my reasonings for being so drastic and he was in full support. He did mention the fact that I wasn't getting enough proteins but he agreed that it would be fine for me to go 40 Days. He gave me the complete green light (green light...get it?? heehee). I wanted to know of he wanted to do some sort of baseline blood work but he said he saw no reason to, that what I was doing was extremely healthy and he saw no real risks.
Now, this is MY personal account.
I do not have diabetes, and while my blood pressure is usually slightly elevated, I've not been put on any blood pressure medicine. Although I am sure I was a physical examination or two away from being put on a medicine related to obesity, I wasn't at the time so I saw no need to be seen beforehand. If you are on any sort of maintenance medications, my recommendation would be to be seen first. I am NOT a medical professional of any sorts. I am not a nutritionist at all. I am simply a wife and mother who was close to being morbidly obese who needed a drastic change. I wanted weight loss surgery but my insurance refuses to pay for anything obesity related. This was my next best option. This works for me.

Can you make the juice ahead of time?

You can. I usually do not just because I like my juice fresh and my lifestyle allows for me (usually) to make fresh juice at home. This is not possible for my husband, as he works far from home and is not allowed to take a juicer with him to work. We've found that he does well when I prepare him 32 ounces of fresh juice and put it in a Mason Jar. I fill it to the top as to get the least amount of air in it, and I put the top on. He takes it and puts it directly in the refrigerator at work and drinks it that way. This works fine for him and the juice has never gone bad. I've read many sources saying that you should not keep juice longer than 48 hours. Also, the juice WILL separate and that is perfectly normal! All you need to do is shake the juice well and enjoy. Our family went to Six Flags and because I prepared my juices in advanced, I was able to stay on my juicing fast while ignoring the cravings for amusement park food. It CAN be done. We are going to Sea World overnight in a couple days. Stay tuned! We will be packing the juicer and taking lots of fresh produce.

If there is a question you have or maybe something I didn't cover, please send me a comment below!!

Best wishes and juice on, y'all!!!


  1. Hey there!

    I have a quick question that may be kind of please feel free to say so if you'd like! But I am starting a juice fast as soon as my juicer arrives (I ordered it today), and I work full time. I was wondering what it was like when the juice first started as far as "going to the bathroom?" The office I work in consists of 8 other people, in a small office, with one bathroom. I plan on starting on a weekend in case the first few days don't go so well, but I'm worried about while I'm at work and so on as the fast continues.

    Thank you and I hope this isn't too inappropriate!
    (and again, please feel free to say so, if so!)

    1. Oh no! That's a very good question.

      I will say that everyone is different but for both my and my husband (he works full time so I made sure to ask him, too), we might have had a bit of increased bowel movements during the first few days but it wasn't anything like the woman in Joe Cross' documentary made it sound (she said within minutes after her first juice, she was in the bathroom and then was there all day....). You will need to urinate more often, especially during the first week or so as your body gets adjusted to the new amount of water you are giving it.

      I think it would be a great idea to start your reboot over the weekend because even if there isn't a change in needing to use the bathroom, the first few days are usually the hardest.

      My other advice would be to start adding juice to your diet as soon as the juicer arrives. You don't have to start the juice fast, but get your body used to the juices and also start really upping your water intake now and especially during the first week. It helps flush the toxins from your system so the more water you drink, the faster you'll start feeling better.

      Best of luck to you!! If you want, add me on Facebook!

      We also have a pretty strong little juicing group on Facebook called Juicing Journeys. There are lots of helpful fellow juicers there.

  2. budget on veggies and fruit?
    Juicer used?
    Do you clean it after every use?

    1. I actually have no idea what I spend on fruits and veggies. It can get to be VERY expensive if you don't buy what is on sale at the grocery store. I don't usually use many oranges but they are on sale for $0,77 per pound so I got 2 lbs of oranges.

      I use the Breville fountain juicer multi speed and I love it. I justice absolutely every day (along with my husband) and it's held up very well.

      And I do wash it out after every juice. Initially I did not but then I realized that if you DON'T wash it out very well, your next juice will have some of the old juice and drinking old juice can make you sick, so now I clean it between uses.

  3. I am going to Cedar Point on Friday, and day 1 of my 30 day juice fast is today (wednesday) I actually am coming off the HCG diet so I have already been eating clean. I haven't really had headaches but I am struggling with drinking enough. I read I should be drinking a gallon of juice a day, I have had 64 oz and I am STUFFED. Do you know if it's bad to not drink that much? Anyway, I am hoping to be able to stick to it at cedar point since it will be day 3. I might just carry a bag around with my juice, I am sure nobody would want to steal it lol.

  4. Hi there!

    It all depends on the person. When I am fasting, I usually drink 3 servings of juice a day, the serving size being around 16 oz each time. That keeps me feeling completely full and satisfied. I would not recommend forcing yourself to drink too much juice, but that being said, I've also found by talking with many juice fasters, that you should probably never drink less than 3 (16oz) servings of juice in a day, along with a lot of water to keep you hydrated.

    I hope you are doing well!

  5. Your blog is the inspiration I needed to FINALLY do a juice fast. I bought a Juicer back in April, but couldn't stay committed. After numerous attempts, I'm finally on day 3 and feeling great! I don't know if I can go 40 days but I definitely plan to go for longer than one week. So thankyou x3.

  6. Hi Teela,

    You are an inspiration to me, I have just started my Juice diet today and I plan to go for 45 days. My question is, have you done any exercise along with the juice diet? I am planning to add some light exercise everyday. I just wanted to know what you had done.

    Thank you.

  7. You have inspired me as well. I am going to start my first 30 day juice diet next week. I'll have 4 days off to get through the rough part. I hope to break by food addiction (emotional eating) and be healthier and lose the 25 pounds I have gained in the past year. I am going to request to join your fb group for more inspiration.

  8. so how much weight did you gain back once you started eating again

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  11. Your juicing blog is really great. You have discussed some amazing facts. Thanks for sharing.


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