
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Starting Over- A 16 Day Juice Fast (Journal)

Well folks, since most of May was just insane for me (juicing exclusively, then for 5 days I was unable to juice) I've decided to start from Day 1 again. This time I will be aiming for a 16 day fast.

Day 1:
Starting weight: 163.4
BMI- 27.2

I woke up feeling pretty good, which can't be said for the past month. I am thisclose to being in the 150's and I am THRILLED! I'm only 2 pounds away from being at my lowest weight since adulthood. I'm so happy I could scream.

This morning I had Perfection in a Cup. Spinach, orange, grapefruit and mint. It is SO good. I figured I'd start off with something I knew I liked. And I don't just like it, I LOVE IT!

Overall, I am feeling positive. I hope that by June 7th I will be in the mid 150's. I'd love to get down to 130-140's by my 31st birthday (July 16th) but we'll see. Either way, I am happy to start over from scratch!

I'll be back to update you tomorrow on (hopefully) my weight loss. See ya then!
Teela Juicing Herman

Day 2:
162.2- down 1.2 lbs

I was highly irritable today, but that could also be because my youngest was extra clingy and was constantly whining. It. Drove. Me. Crazy. So much so that I am blogging from our grocery store! Hahah. Don't judge!!!! I live in Texas so it's already summer. (94 degrees fahrenheit or 34 degrees Celsius). The grocery store has a small little area with tables and most importantly, AC. And I really, really needed the break.

I will be meeting some friends later on so I think I will *gasp* buy a Naked brand juice for dinner and take it to the restaurant so I'm not tempted by their half off appetizers. I know Naked drinks are not as good for you as fresh juice, but it's much healthier than nachos or a burger. We are going to play darts and shuffle board, neither of which am I remotely good at...but oh well, I need time with my friends!

And a big shout out to my husband for picking up the slack! He is a great guy and I love him very, very much.

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 3:
162.0- down 1.4 lbs

I woke this morning feeling okay and then all of a sudden, I felt extremely faint. I literally could not stand up for more than a minute at a time without my face getting tingly, my lips turning white and getting the overwhelming urge to lie down. In the midst of this, I remembered that my last juice was at 4 pm for dinner. I came home and drank water, but I think I either needed more juice after 4 pm (I usually drink my dinner juice around 6 pm) or it shouldn't be a Naked drink for my last juice. I think they are higher in sugar than my homemade juices.

Anyway, I could't just wait it out as I needed to get the kids to school on time and my body was screaming at me, "eat a few bites of that banana right now!" So guess what? I listened to my body!!!!

I didn't go crazy and rush out to get myself an egg McMuffin. I ate half of a banana. Then I was able to drink some of the juice I had made earlier that didn't have a chance to drink yet and after about 10 minutes, I was feeling much better.

Lesson Learned: Don't make a Naked juice for my dinner juice and don't have my dinner juice earlier than 5 pm.

Upwards and Onward! Not letting this bring me down. I'm ready to face the day!
Teela Juicing Herman

Day 4:
161.8- down 1.6 lbs

The weight is coming off much slower this time but, I'm happy to report, I don't have as much weight to loose this time! So any steady weight loss I have, I'll take it! It means that I am doing good for my body.

Last night felt wonderful. We went to spend time with my in-laws. My husband's family is always loving and supportive and last night was no exception. They were really fascinated with how much our 3 little guys have grown. Then they could not stop remarking about how good we looked, how much healthier we looked and they kept saying, "Tell us about the juicing thing!" and asked, "If we do this juicing thing, are we going to need a good juicer?" It felt very affirming to me that again, I'm doing something really good for my body. My mother in law talked about that desperate feeling you get when you are obese. How much you just don't like yourself therefore making it hard to keep up good relationships with those closest to you. I remember it all too clearly.

It was one year ago.

I weighed the most, 234 lbs, in my entire life. To say I didn't like myself is an understatement. I hated myself and my body. And I knew I needed help. I was completely out of control with my eating and I was miserable. It still hurts to think back on it. It was bad and a very low point in my life. And after being told by a doctor that weight loss surgery was not covered by our insurance plan...I was desperately hopeless.

And today, just over 70 lbs lost, I can not remember being 161 lbs in my adult life. It feels good! I'm almost 31 years old and in the best shape I've been in since High School! My body, of course, is different now. I've had twins and a toddler since then. My skin is a little softer in my belly area and my arms are also softer, I'm a mom to three wonderful children and married to one amazing husband. I wouldn't trade my life today, even for a single day, for firmer skin. I've earned these wrinkles from laughing it's friends and family and smiling at my young children. And now I know that my kids are being very healthy and for snacks and deserts, they ask for fruit or a juice. They eat a lot of beans and less beef. I'm glad to know my kids have the support and guidance to live a healthy life.

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 5:
161.5- down 1.9 lbs

I'm feeling really good. My mother in law and her twin sister, my husband's aunt, are both very interested in doing a juice fast. They are fired up and ready to buy a juicer. It feels good to have so many different people reaffirm why I'm doing this. Not only is it helpful to me, but it also helps others and I can't say what's more important. Having such a loving and supportive family on both sides, we are very lucky!
Teela Juicing Herman

Day 6:
Current Weight Unknown

I woke later than normal so I knew there was no sense in trying to weigh myself late in the day, only to get frustrated. I avoided a potential meltdown over here. Haha.

Lots and lots to do today. I should get started. I'll write more soon!

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 7:

I woke up late again, my husband tries to let me sleep in when I can, and I was stupid and got on the scale. It said I was 163.5. Now I'm frustrated but again, I need to know that even if I'm not losing weight (or even gaining some), that doesn't mean that I'm not losing inches. I'm keeping my head up.

Today I had the Anti-Cellulite juice for breakfast. That always seems to help out with weight loss for me.

Lunch will probably be a Mean Green and I'm not sure about dinner yet but lots of water in between juices, throughout the day.

I'm hanging in there and I'll be switching it up more today. Less fruits, more greens. I'll talk more later!

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 8:

I don't know what's going on with my weight so I've decided that I am going to only weigh myself weekly, so I don't get as discouraged as yesterday.

Today is a new day and I am still pushing on! I am losing inches! I'm feeling lighter and healthier, I have more energy as before, and my face has started to clear up. All awesome benefits. I've noticed a change in my mood. Things FEEL better. I know everything I've put in my body for the last week. It's all been raw fruits and vegetables. I can't go wrong.

Until tomorrow!

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 10:

I skipped the scale yet again today. I'm working hard at staying true and getting in more than 2 juices a day. I remember with my 40 Day Fast, once I tried cutting my juices to just 2 a day, my weight loss started crawling at a very slow pace. Up the juice and up the water.

I'm feeling great!

I thought I had lost my mind today around dinner time. I made myself a rather delicious juice, took some medicine with my juice and then I set it on the table. Not even one minute later, I was looking around for my juice and I couldn't find it anywhere!! I started spinning, surveying all of the countertop in my kitchen when this cute little monster came up to me.

And he finished the drink like a boss!

Wow. The cuteness. Tomorrow is another day! Stay strong and juice on!

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 11:

I woke his morning and today I feel like I'm almost out of the haze I've been walking around in since the beginning of May. I'm feeling better and feeling lighter, even if the scale disagrees. I know what I am doing isamazing for my health and my life in general.

I've had a ton of water today and a yummy kale, celery, lime and orange juice. My youngest wanted some but he hadn't yet finished his banana so, smart as I am, I got my leftover juice and his banana and put them both in the blender. He LOVED it. He also love to drink my really green juices as is, but for those of you who are really trying to get the kids involved, and for the kids that just don't like green juices, TRY IT! I bet more kids would like the juices we make of we just blended it for a second with a banana.

Teela Juicing Herman

Day 12:

I woke feeling sick to my stomach. I'm going to have a real hard time drinking all 3 juices today, but I'm going to try my best. Right now when I stand for too long, my legs start to shake and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Ugh. I hate getting sick. No food for me though. This is not an excuse to eat. My body loves juice.

I've spent about 4 hours napping and now it's time to make some juice. Hopefully my legs don't fail me. That would just be embarrassing. Hahaha! I can imagine it now, I make a delicious juice, my legs give out and I'm down, on the ground, covered in green juice. I don't know what would be worse, the falling part or losing all that juice. I'll be extra careful.

I also feel like doing another picture of myself so keep coming back.

Day 13:

I woke up before my alarm feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed. I broke my promise of not getting on the scale :( but I'm more encouraged now!!! 4 more days to reach my goal of being in the 150's for my kiddos birthday party. Woot woot!

I got my day started off right. I had a green juice this morning with kale, celery, cucumber, orange and ginger. Then I had about 50oz of water and now I'm enjoying this simple, easy great tasting juice.

(Before juicing)

And yum! This is a good lunch.

I'm over here, staying strong. My nails are strong, I'm losing weight AND inches. Shiny hair, great mood!

Day 14:
Current Weight- 159.8!!!!

Omg! I did it! I did it! I DID IT! My goal for the boys' birthday party was to be in the 150's. I made it today! I know that I still have about 15-20 lbs to lose, but wow! That 159.8 was a beautiful sight this morning.

I'm not going out to reward myself with food. In fact, I don't think I'll stop my fast until Friday night (it's Tuesday). I'm going to keep going strong with my head held high.

It is an AMAZING feeling to actually set and reach a weight loss goal. I'm all shades of happy today!

Day 15:

So last night I went to help my cousin who is going through a very difficult time. I stayed on track the entire day but when I got to see her, I just had to have one beer with her. I felt terrible for her. She's basically picking up the pieces of a broken future and it's not easy.

I'm usually asleep no later than 10 pm but I wasn't even getting home until after 11 pm. Needless to say, I got much less sleep last night and chose to NOT get on the scale today. I know that sleep affects weight and weight loss and with the one beer I had yesterday, I was scared of jumping on the scale and it saying something like 193 lbs. I know how silly that sounds but I still don't really recognize who I am when I look in the mirror. I mean, my face is familiar but even though I know I am in the low 160's to the high 150's, I still see and think of myself as the fat mom that people felt sorry for. The,"Oh, but you had TWINS! I can't imagine," types. I had twins SIX years ago. That's absolutely no excuse for spiraling out of control like I did. Plus, before getting pregnant with my youngest and just after giving birth, I was in the low 170's and in less than a year, I went from 175 to 234. But I refuse to beat myself up for that. That's in the past. What I focus on now is the fact that I went from 234 to 159 in just under a year. Now, THAT'S something to be proud of.

Until tomrrow!

Day 16:


I did it!

For the very first time in my life, I SET AND THEN REACHED A WEIGHT LOSS GOAL!!!!

Oh.My.Goodness!!!! They say that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, and I may not be skinny yet, but reaching a weight loss goal feels Uh-Maze-Ing! Reaching this goal is a big deal to me. When I was at most unhealthiest, I kept saying how I would NEVER get to the 150's (because it was my high school weight) and I freaking did it! I am not one to gloat for myself but I am so very proud of myself. Wow.

I will continue to juice. I have a goal to reach by my upcoming 31st birthday. I will also be trying to change some things around here a bit so if you run into pages or links that don't work, please let me know by leaving a comment, I would like to thank my readers for all of the love and support. I am very blessed to have as many readers as I do.


  1. Good for you!!! I am so happy for you. Your blog is what I will follow when doing my juice fast as soon as my juicer gets here. I am in 20lbs heavier than when you first begin so you know I am not happy, and have been carrying all of this emotional baggage for over 20 years. New day and it is GOING! I will be blogging and posting pics on my journey. My question is can you go longer than 40 days if you are not having any health issues. I have already cut out the sugars and process foods almost 2 weeks ago, and just eat meat veggies and fruit. I drink only water and green tea, and I use to not having that darn Pepsi or Coke, don't even miss the poison. LOL. I will be taking my multi vitamin which I take anyway. I will be joining your facebook community for support. Thanks for being here Teela!

    Ms. Lee-Lee 63

  2. Congrats on you accomplishments!! I too have started a juice fast and have questions. How did you manage to get by on nothing but juice for so long? I am on Day 5 and only have had juice, no meats, solids, anything. I am getting a lot of people telling me that it is not healthy and I am putting myself at risk. I am aiming for 2 weeks to a month if not longer, but I know to be careful since this is my first time. Any recommendations?

    1. Are you still at it? I'm sorry, I just now saw your comment! A lot of my motivation came from the movie, and just keeping the faith and knowing that what I was doing was for the best....that it was going to get me to where I was going.

      And today, as I type this, I am down to 155 pounds and I am feeling AMAZING on day 22 of yet another juice fast. I'm currently coaching clients though their own juice journeys and it's extremely rewarding. You have to keep in mind that this is all about taking the steps to change your life.
      How are things going or how did they go?

  3. Cold press juicers are also called masticating juicers. It is powered by a slower speed motor compared to the centrifugal model. They have single or dual augers or gears that operate it. Unlike the other type of juicer machine, cold press juicers mash the fruits and vegetables to extract the juice. Along with soft fruits and vegetables, cold press juicers do a great job juicing high fibrous vegetables such as kale, spinach and wheatgrass. cold press juicer online in India


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