
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Army Green Juice

Don't let the color fool you! This is one good tasting juice! 

(Try to remember, you might have to use more or less of the ingredients listed below. No two fruits or veggies are alike. Use these recipes as a guide).

5 small to med. size carrots
5 large leaves of kale
1 1/2 grapefruits
1 large naval orange
1/2 large cucumber
1/4 cantaloupe 
Ginger to taste

Lots of veggies and it's really good! I have 1/2 of a cantaloupe and I can't wait to try more juices. I've never liked the taste of cantaloupe when I ate them, but juicing them is another story! 

Another reason why juicing is awesome! You are getting in so much fruits and veggies that you normally wouldn't consume. 

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