
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hire Me to Help You!

Have you wanted to do an extended juice fast/reboot but felt like you needed just a little more guidance, accountability and support? 

There are countless things I love about juicing but the one that really ranks up there is how I have been able to motivate people. Trust me, I am NO expert. I am NOT perfect, in fact, I am very, very flawed. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I am a simple stay at home mom who, just over a year ago, weighed 234 lbs, was at her lowest and finally decided it was time to change. I've been able to motivate many people during their juicing journey and I now I want to help you transform your life. 

I've recently decided to start coaching people during their juice fast. This helps me because I can focus on a small group of people who are actually serious about changing their lives, rather than only being able to give about 10% of myself to anyone who's remotely interested in juicing. 

I've talked to a couple other juicing coaches who offer something similar and their prices for one month range anywhere from $100 up to nearly $500!!! And that just blew me away. I most certainly am NOT out to get rich off this, but because it will take up so much of my time, I'm charging a very small amount.  

30 Day Juice Fast (recipes and personal coaching)

-tips and instructions 
-60 recipes gathered from websites, books and my own personal recipes (if you need help with replacing certain ingredients, I will help you)
-private group coaching through a private Facebook group. This not only allows me to help keep you motivated along your journey and more accountable, it also will help you meet other people going through very similar journeys. 
-private daily coaching via email (as needed). You will be given my private email and you are also more than welcomed to send me messages on Facebook. I won't hound you with an email daily, but I will be available to you via email during your fast if you ever need me. 

*if you require more than 60 recipes, just let me know and we can add another 30 for a minimal amount, but I tend to find that once you find 5-6 good recipes you really enjoy, you tend to stick to those. For most people, 60 recipes is plenty. 

Price: $40

60 Day Juice Fast (recipes and personal coaching) 

-tips and instructions
-60 recipes (if you need help replacing certain ingredients, I will personally help you)
-private group coaching through a private Facebook group. This not only allows me to help keep you motivated along your journey and more accountable, it also will help you meet other people going through very similar journeys.  
-private daily coaching via email (as needed). You will be given my private email and you are also more than welcomed to send me messages on Facebook. I won't hound you with an email daily, but I will be available to you via email during your fast if you need me. 

*if you require more than 60 recipes, just let me know and we can add more for a minimal amount, but I tend to find that once you find 5-6 good recipes you really enjoy, you tend to stick to those. For most people, 60 recipes is plenty. 

Price: $60

If you need coaching for a smaller amount of time or if you need the coaching for longer than 60 days, just contact me at and we will discuss a price. 

I will be adding phone calls/Skype for an additional price soon. Email me if this is something that interests you. 

As soon as I receive payment, I will email you a questionnaire to get to know you better, and to help coach you better. I can't wait to get to know you and to help you, help you through your journey and to help you achieve your goals. 

We already have a small group of all women who are currently juicing. Come join us and change your life! 

Email me at:
Or contact me on Facebook at Teela Juicing Herman

I can't wait to hear from you. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Danielle!
      I actually am still coaching and I have a group that's getting started now. I would love to have you join us! Here is a link to where you can pay for my services. Do you have a Facebook account? If so, send me a friend request.
      Teela Juicing Herman

    2. Ack! Here is the link:

      Sorry about that!


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