
Sunday, February 16, 2014

1-13-2014 ONE YEAR LATER

I remember waking up January 13, 2013 around 5ish am, nervous, excited and scared to death to fail. I was about to start my first 40 day juice fast.

I had failed at so many things when it came to losing weight {MY} way in the past. 

Let's face it. 

No one likes being told: "This is what you need to do to lost weight and of you don't do X, Y, and Z, then you are a big fat lazy failure that deserves to be fat, made fun of and you deserve to settle for the rest of your life, you stupid fat dumbo!"

I'm sorry, but I'm here to tell you that that is just bullshit. 

I am not fortune teller. I can't promise you that this will be your magic answer....but I CAN promise you that it has been MY magic answer, and it has been the magic answer so, so many other countless clients of mine and many other countless people whom I don't even know....

And even IF this is NOT your magic answer, that is OKAY. There IS a magic answer out there for you. I promise. Send me an email and we can work on clean eating and exercise and finding that magic answer. But you CAN do this, and when you do come out on the other side of this feeling victorious because you set a goal, and hey, maybe you stumbled, maybe you didn't.....but you made it to the other side!!!! And THAT'S all that matters!!! 

Here I am on February 15, 2014 and in all honesty, I wouldn't have believed my life today had you told me 6 months ago! Truthfully, I wouldn't have believed it had you told me even 3 months ago! 

18 months ago I was less than 5 pounds away from being considered morbidly obese by BMI standards. That's......shocking. No. It's more than that, it's sobering. It's alarming it's sickening, it's sad. I don't know? What do YOU think? Could there be women out there this size and bigger....

who are TRULY comfortable inside their own skin? I mean, I guess it's possible? It's not very likely or common.....but it is possible. But I will be honest, I was not, nor am I one of those women. I might have hidden behind that smile but you can also see I tried to throw my children in throng of me as barriers to hid my frame, though I wasn't doing a very good job of it. If my memory serves correct, I even remember bickering at my husband for not standing more directing in front of my, blocking me even more. I truly hated cameras. And myself.    

But I researched it. I found support. I jumped in with both feet and I told myself that I was going to accept !!!NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

It was hard. 
I wanted to quit like everything else I had quit before. 
I looked for every excuse to end my fast. 
tried to tell myself that "juicing wasn't for me" when I knew deep down I was looking for a way out. 

I'm glad I kept the faith. I'm glad I found a support system and I'm glad I stuck with it when my brain screamed out for me to eat food!!!!! 

It's been a long hard road and I am no where near perfect. I don't believe that any if us walking this earth are, actually. We all fall, we all stumble, we all make mistakes. The most important part of stumbling, is standing back up and playing it off. Learn from your mistake! But let your stumble be graceful and not turn into an avalanche! 

I also believe I am an addict when it comes to food and I always will be an addict. Right now I am a recovering addict, but for the grace of God, there go I. I am no better than the 345 woman who is ordering drive thru at McDoland's right now. NO BETTER!!! The only difference between the two of us is that I am currently a recovering addict. Thank you, God. Who knows what next month, next year or the next 10 years holds? I like to think that I've learned a lot, but I also know a lot about addiction and it's nothing that can ever be cured. I'm not silly enough to think I'm "fixed" and I know damn well,better than to think I'm better than anyone else. 

I just finally fit my rock bottom on February 13, 2013 and decided to start my first 40 day juice fast which changed my life forever. 

Here I am today, feeling under and more fantastic than EVER!! 


If you are interested  in a a clean eating and fitness challenge group, send me an email  at leave your email ✉ below or just leave me a comment! I'm looking for clients who are interested and committed to changing their lives! Let's DO this!! 


  1. I started juicing this week and I work out everyday and I'm feeling weak and hungry in an hour. I need some filling recipes to last my work out

    1. I recommend juicing something with carrots and/or beets before your workouts. They will help give y extra energy to get you through.

      How are you doing?

  2. Hi Teela,

    First, congratulations on your amazing transformation! I am on day 5 of my first juice fast. I have 100+ lbs to lose, and am hoping this will be the kick-start I need! Your blog has been such a life saver for me - recipes, ideas, and inspiration. So thank you for that!

    I have a quick question for you - I keep reading that we should stick to an 80/20 veggie to fruit ratio. How is that determined? Weight? Volume? Juice produced? I find myself needing to add more fruit than some recipes call for in order to make them palatable, but it's difficult for me to tell if it's still within the 80/20 range. Any thoughts/info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Hey Lacy!! Great question! I always wondered that myself and I found a nutritionist answered the question one time on the forum and said that it is the volume before it is juiced.

      And trust's totally okay to add an extra apple or orange when you are just starting out. It may not seem like it now, but your taste buds WILL change and you will find yourself not being able to drink the sweet fruit based drinks,

      Our taste buds die every 7-10 days, so hang in there, you've only got a few more days to go and then you'll have re-trained your taste buds to CRAVE healthy stuff!! :) you are well on your way, girl!!

    2. True story. I started out three months ago cutting vegetables with an equal amount of green apple. Now it's seven parts vegetable and one part apple. (That's four ounces of apple juice in my 32 ounce jar.) Husband started juicing with me not too long ago and I make his like I used to make mine. They're too sweet. They taste like candy. I don't prefer them over the way I make mine. This is amazing because I used to be a total sugar hound.

      Give it time. You'll start wanting your juices less sweet as your system clears out. .

    3. Thank you both for the information and encouragement! I'm on day 9 now am just starting to notice my taste buds changing. I still can't handle kale, but I'm also not craving those cookies in the pantry, so I guess it balances out. :) Thanks again!

  3. that's awesome! Im starting my juicing next week, my goal is to lose 53 lbs by April

  4. Best of luck to ya!!! Hang in there and keep the faith!!! The first week is the toughest but YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOUR CRAVINGS!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. That email doesn't let me contact you, your email is ? Please email me

  7. When you juice what can you do for cravings? Can you just eat like full carrots or some nuts?


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