
Saturday, August 2, 2014

My (non juice fast) 3 Day Cleanse ((updated)) RESULTS ARE IN! **At the bottom**

So, my life has been so insanely crazy busy lately that I've not been able to do a juice fast but I still need a cleanse, especially after my birthday celebration, right?

I don't know if I'm the only one but man, the cravings have been hitting me HARD lately.

So anyway, I got myself the 3 Day Refresh for my birthday (today!). I won't be starting the 3 day cleanse today....I probably won't even get the package until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. But I am so excited!

Okay, okay.

So what IS the 3 Day Refresh, exactly?
It is a scientifically designed program that helps you fast-track your weight loss, kick-start healthy eating, and get a clean break from bad nutrition habits.
The 3-Day Refresh is a simple, straightforward program that will help cleanse your body and improve the way you feel—without starving yourself. Unlike juice cleanses or liquid fasts which tend
to be high in sugar and low in protein (leaving you feeling weak, hungry, and sluggish), this easy-to-follow program helps support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs.

For 3 days you’ll follow a program of 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, plus a wide array of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.

So, I'm going to be cleansing WHILE eating so that I don't experience those terrible detox symptoms! I'm really, REALLY pumped about that!

What's different about this than other cleanses?
As I found out the hard way after losing my hair, juice cleanses and other popular short-term cleanses provide incomplete nutrition promoting muscle loss instead of fat loss and can cause a rebound due to the lack of adequate protein, low fiber, and/or high sugar levels. Many juice cleanses range from $50–$70 per day, while this 3-day program is only $23 per day for the Complete Kit.
Here is what to expect:
The 3-Day Refresh is a low-calorie program (about 900 calories a day) but because the shakes and fresh food selections are high in protein and fiber, they will help keep you satiated throughout the day.
  • Because this program is packed with fiber, if you don’t already have a diet that’s high in fruits, veggies, and whole grains, it’s a good idea to prepare for the 3-Day Refresh by eating a large salad and/or a few servings of fresh veggies throughout the week leading up to it.
  • If you get a little gas or bloating, this is a sign that you need to up your fiber levels in general. Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract functioning.
  • If gas is an issue, we’ve highlighted the “low gas-producing” options in the veggie list and dinner recipes in the menu guide.
  • It’s also incredibly important to stay hydrated during the 3-Day Refresh. Water is the body’s lubricant and is required for every major process. It keeps your digestion flowing, flushes out toxins, keeps your system balanced, and helps control hunger. We recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces every day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking at least 75 ounces of filtered water every day.
I am just so excited! I have a two different friends who have lost just over 6 lbs in the 3 days! Trust me, I could stand to lose 6 lbs.

And what happens during the cleanse?
For 3 days you’ll have a superfood-packed Shakeology shake for breakfast along with a fruit option; a Fiber Sweep digestive health drink later in the morning; a satisfying, high-protein Vanilla Fresh shake for lunch, accompanied by fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy fat options throughout the afternoon. For dinner, you’ll have another Vanilla Fresh shake along with your choice from a list of delicious, easy-to-prepare dinner recipes. You can also have tea twice a day and as much filtered water as you like (we suggest you drink AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces per day).

The part I am most excited about is that you don't have to go through a miserable detox to start feeling better! So we can start this WHENEVER!

If you want to join me, CONTACT ME NOW!!! Today is my birthday!! Let's clean up our diet and do it TOGETHER!

Find me on Facebook!!
Want to join a CHALLENGE GROUP?
Subscribe to my blog!! ;) It's FREE!!!
Love Instagram? @teelajuicingherman  (I will follow you back!)
or email me the "old fashioned" way HERE!

Stay Strong!!
July 28th! Join us NOW!



I had a lot of water weight, obviously. I do NOT think it's normal to lose 11 lbs in 3 days.

  • I started off thinking that I was going to have a hard time with the hunger (I think everyone is!!) but the truth is, I had a hard time getting in all of the food and shakes. I was NOT hungry!
  • I did get a little tired that first day, but that could have been because I didn't get a good night's sleep the night before.
  • After the first day, I woke up with a LOT MORE energy than I normally do! It felt GREAT! I had a terrific 2nd day.
  • And on the third day, I kept forgetting that it was really already the 3rd day! I wasn't counting down the hours until I could eat something other than fruit or veggies!
I think we can all use a little reality check in our lives from time to time. Actually, I think it's HEALTHY to have a reality check from time to time.

The truth is I've been slacking with my diet. I've been very successful at coaching other people and telling them what to eat and what not to eat. Why don't I follow my own advice?!?! I don't know. But this showed me that a ton of that weight was from all of the poor eating leading up to the cleanse.

I am SO GLAD that I decided to do the 3 Day Refresh!!!

If you want to start my 3 Day Refresh Bootcamp, then please contact me today on Facebook (where I spend MOST of my time) or send me an email. I'd LOVE to have you join our accountability group which focuses on clean eating, workout accountability and total life transformation!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Come have FUN on Facebook!!!

Can I be honest for a few minutes?
I've been bad at my water consumption. Bad. Bad. Bad.
No excuses, right?
So I hop on Facebook and I ask for some accountability...someone to help me. And I was so lucky! I had a FEW friends who wanted to join me! Which was AWESOME! I wanted to take a new photo with every new cup of water, but that soon took off into an entirely different direction. LOL!
Cup #1 (about 18-20 oz of water)

#2! None for you!

Middle Herman and me on drink number three!!

Don't pee on the floor, it's drink number FOUR!

Drinking 5 will make you feel ALIVE!

#6. ALMOST there!!!

So I finished my photo shoot fairly late, I never expected to have so many costume changes! But hey, a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do! Am I right?! Can I get an "Amen?!?!?!"
I felt that the photographer was asking me to do things that I wasn't comfortable doing....but I finally warmed up and went with it. You guys might be offended by the next photo. It is a pretty controversial photo! Make sure the little ones are in the other room.

I told ya! I got really crazy!

Join us for our next Wednesday Water Challenge by adding me to Facebook!  Add me here! 


Monday, July 21, 2014

[[VIDEO POST]] A MUST WATCH!! For all parents!

If you are a parent ESPECIALLY, you should watch this clip. If you aren't a parent and you think negatively about your body image, you should also really watch this clip.

Please let me know what you think.

Does this speak to you?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

(HEALTHY) Maple, Pecan, (blended) iced mocha.

A HEALTHY pecan, maple, iced mocha?
Don't freakin mind if I do, Sir! And I'll have one tomorrow for breakfast, too!
By FAR my favorite Shakeology recipe to date.
By yours truly!
Do you want to try Shakeology? Not sure where to get it? Message me!
Teela GettingFit Herman on FB


My transformation....32 years in the making!

I hope you enjoy my transformation! I know I have!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Slip Ups, F*#k Ups, and Fake Ups

Most of you know because you read my blog, but I've been getting new contacts on my Facebook account and sometimes it feels like they think I just went to sleep one night weighing 240 lbs and then I woke up the next day, down to 130. It's crazy. I had someone say to me, "It's one thing to be able to lose 20 lbs. Anyone can do that. But I need to lose a lot more than that."

First off, I strongly disagree. It's not easy to lose 20 lbs. I don't care if you are 400 lbs or 140 lbs. Weight loss is NOT EASY (unless you live in some tribe out in the jungle or something and your diet consists of bugs and leaves from trees or something crazy like that). Weight loss doesn't come to most of us easily. You have to work your ass off. I have to work my ass off. Your MOM has to work HER ass off. It's NOT easy! Not even to those who have eating disorders. IT'S NOT EASY!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it worth it? Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Do I miss pigging out on whatever I felt like pigging out on? Sure! At times.
Would I give up where I am today so that I could eat all of that crap food again? Not a chance.

And for those of you who feel like the amount of weight you have to lose is just too overwhelming? Here's my advice/tip:

How do you eat an elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME!
How do you tackle weight loss? One pound at a time.

I slip up from time to time. I am NOT perfect. I've gained about 10 lbs recently because I lost focus on my goals with regards to the way I eat.

Do I see myself as a failure? No way!!
I've picked myself up and I got myself back on track about a week and a half ago. #noexcusesjuly !!

And one more thing on failing and failure. Guess what?

Failure is a STATE OF MIND!
No one can tell you that you've failed! No matter the situation. Why? Because IT'S NOT OVER YET! The game is still on! It might feel like you are in the bottom of the 4th quarter, home team (you) 0 and the visitors are up by 21. That's OKAY! Thankfully this isn't a race! The game only ends when YOU blow the whistle. YOU are your own referee and when you start to allow someone else to become the rule maker and referee over your life, that's when unhappiness and self doubt come in.

Bottom line, be true to YOURSELF. Don't allow anyone else to assign your happiness or self worth. Know that you are an amazing person, both inside AND out. You might not be to where you want to be yet, but that doesn't mean that you won't get there tomorrow, or next week, next month or next year.

Teela Herman
Email Me!
Find me on FaceBook!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I'm Jumping in With Both Feet! I Have Faith!

'm SO EXCITED because in just a few hours, I will be landing in LAS VEGAS, BABY!!! It is Summit time (from the best of best coaches) so about 10,000 Beachbody coaches are meeting in Vegas and we will just take OVER MGM Grand, and Las Vegas! This is the very first time I will be traveling alone on a plane. I've driven a few hours here or there, but I've never flown alone and I've never gone to another state alone so this is all a bit intimidating for me, but I am excited because I know that this is what I should be doing with my life. 

Yeah, we all know the saying.....
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! Right?

Well, I wish that were true! But it's not when we are talking about all of the buffets, all of the cocktails and weight gain!

I'll let you in on something. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean that those extra pounds won't sneak back on the plane with you! Those calories WILL follow you! Those bastards! 

I love Las Vegas. Where else in the world can you visit an amazing aquarium at Mandalay Bay, ride a roller-coaster on the very top of New York, New York, get married while you are in  your car at one of the drive-thru wedding chapel's AND visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris, all in the SAME DAY! 

Let me just briefly mention the mouth-watering, 5 star dining at world renowned restaurants owned by Wolfgang Puck and Tom Colicchio,  champagne  brunches, buffets, hot dogs, and greasy fried potatoes and twinkies!!

What about adult beverages? Ahhh! The temptations are everywhere so what do I do to stay healthy!?! 

First I plan on my snacks and food I want to eat. I will have a blender and some Shakeology to replace at least one meal a day. I'm taking chocolate and vanilla. I normally like the chocolate more than the vanilla but I think that mixing it with some black coffee would be amazing! I'm going to try it. I also have some raw nuts and trail mix. Since my flight leaves so early, (we have to wake up at 4 am) I will just have a nutritious chocolate meal replacement shake for breakfast. 

Then, I've been looking online at all of the different places to set and the options that are available. I have no doubt that salads will be #1 on my list. I've just got to find a dressing I can live with. 

Okay, so you get the point. There are ways to make sure that you are prepared and you can have healthy eating options, with the occasional cheat-it IS vacation after all, right!?! But what about the physical aspect of it? What about working out? 

I don't think most people think about an upcoming vacation and the opportunity they have to get in workouts, but I won't miss my chance! There is nothing worse than taking a week off of working out and then coming home feeling bloated and behind in your workouts.

For this trip, I am taking my laptop and my awesome P90X3 fitness DVDs. I will do my 30 minutes of workout in my hotel room. Sometimes you have to move a bed or something, sometimes you are lucky and you have a living area....but plan accordingly. 

Does your hotel have a gym? If so, WILL YOU USE IT? 

And then, what about all of the attractions that Las Vegas has available!!

I was searching for things to do in. Las Vegas that would not only be memorable, but would also keep me active and I came across! 

Unique Fitness Classes

Yoga Among the Dolphins. Photo courtesy MGM Resorts.

Yoga Among the Dolphins

The 60-minute yoga class puts you face to flipper with the playful bottlenose dolphins from Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat at The Mirage. You don’t get wet or touch any dolphins — your practice actually takes place in an indoor viewing area underneath the water. While you stretch and flow from pose to pose, the dolphins watch and play from the other side of a window. Yogis have access to The Mirage Spa’s relaxing facilities before and after class, plus they receive a delicious post-workout smoothie.

What about going on a hike in a hotel, with a guide!?! says, "With exercises intended to build the same muscles you would target on an actual hike, be prepared to walk up a whole lot of stairs during the 60-minute Indoor Hike at Aria at CityCenter. Escalators are off limits! On the hike, your instructor will lead you through the mammoth hotel past art installations, restaurants, bars, stores, a theater, convention area, casino and tons of Starbucks. You may even venture into some of the outdoor spaces at CityCenter, through Crystals (and yes, another Starbucks) and past the unique water features at the Aria porte- cochère. The hike starts at the Spa at Aria fitness center where you receive a shoulder bag (to return at the end of class) with a bottle of water, hand weights and a yoga mat." How awesome does that sound!?! I wanted to check it out this time, but it's not open for the time I'll be visiting. 

And I'm seriously considering the burlesque and pile dancing classes!! 
Learn the ins and outs of being a Las Vegas showgirl from the same sexy dancers who perform in the adult revue “X Burlesque”  in the 75-minute X Burlesque University at the Flamingo. Or let go of your inhibitions as your inner diva runs wild in the striptease cardio and pole dancing class Stripper 101 at the V Theater at Planet Hollywood. Hahaha! 

So many choices, which would YOU choose!?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ever Have a Day Like This?!?!

My husband woke me up before he left for work like every other day, but today is not like every other day, you see. Today the rain was pouring SO HARD I just had to close my eyes for ONE MINUTE!!! and then over 2 hours later.....
**knock knock**
"Ummm....Mom? Can we down stairs for breakfast yet?"
"Oh CRAP!!! WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!" and JUMP out of bed! Grab a pair of jeans, a workout top-because I can't find my bra fast enough-and throw on a t-shirt.

It's 7:30 am, there is NO WAY to get the kids to school on time...but that doesn't stop me from rushing around like a crazy mom to three who was awaken by her twins unexpectedly.

One twin claims he has a stomach ache. I tell him, "You know, today is not the day to stay home from school because you want to lay around and watch TV, right? I have a LOT to do today."

He still claimed he was sick and I quickly realized I need to get my youngest up, too! Whoops!

About 15 minutes later, we are all out the door, teeth (barely) brushed, shoes on, keys in my hand, form of ID and phone in the OTHER hand.

Drop 1 of 2 twins off at school. Take the other two kids home, run upstairs and try to start some work.

2 hours later, I realize that I only have 40 minutes to be to my doctor's appointment, which is about 45 minutes away, without kids anything slowing me down....and I still needed to brush my teeth, okay? LOL Gross, I know! I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me! I KNOW!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA But I made sure not to talk directly to anyone at the school when dropping my son off late. I PROMISE!

So I end up calling my doctor to let him know, ironically enough, for the first time in our relationship, I am going to be the late one!

He was not amused. He very kindly tried to tell me that he is more than happy to accommodate me because I am "a long time client"-LOL!! I kindly reminded him that the last TWO TIMES I had been to his office, he was the one who was VERY late.  We called a truce and called it even. Ha!

I took the twin claiming to have a stomach ache (Mr. Fakey) and his cute but LOUD brother, Mr. FussyPants, to Trader Joe's. Mr. Fakey was distraught when he found out that Trader Joe's was a grocery store and NOT a restaurant! But son, THEY HAVE COOKIE BUTTER!!!!! bwahahaha!

THEN we had to go to the poor man's grocery store (LOL!) and I like it there because you don't have someone following you around, "Can I help you?"
"Did you need help finding something?"
"Oh! Excuse me!" distracting you at every aisle. If you have a direct line between the meats and the cheese, IT DOES NOT MATTER that you are the customer, you silly GOOSE! Customers PAY to shop there! Employees GET PAID to be there! So it is completely understandable why they get so upset when I get in their way!!!

Anywho, it's at THIS point that I realize, WHOOPS!!!!

I know. No one expect me to sound like this! LOL
 I'm NOW scared I sound like a man or a smurf.
Thank you, Internet.
Another Thing To Be Insecure Over in Texas
LOL!!! I kid! I kid!!


How long did it take for YOU to realize your shirt was inside out? Was someone kind enough to tell YOU?

Did your doctor say anything to you???? lol MINE DIDN'T!!! 

I don't know if this means I need to be more concerned for my doctor or BOTH of us?!? 

It got past all 3 kids, the women who work in the office up at school, my husband, my doctor!!!!! and all of the super extremely friendly people at Trader Joe's. Bwahahahaha! Who am I kidding?! They are probably ALL still talking about the crazy woman who talks to phone. 

And if long did it take you to figure out your shirt was inside out?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Positive Changes! [video post!]

Wow!!! Life IS good!
Life is GREAT!

I am truly happy, deep down in my soul.

It's amazing how good it feels to have confidence in all of the decisions you are making on a daily basis. It's amazing when you let go of trying so hard to please other people.

Just think of how hard it can be for YOU to change your OWN mood....and you know yourself BEST! So just imagine how impossible it is to make someone else happy. How exhausting that can be, day in and day out. Over and over again. My goodness. YOU are BETTER than that! YOUR life and the life you want to live is worth FAR MORE than trying to please others.

If you are making healthy changes in your life, then pay no mind to the wizard behind the curtain. Think about The Wizard of Oz. Everyone is scared and intimidated of him...but in the end, all you see is this small, insignificant man. And I think that we sometimes think of the people we respect like that but WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT allow that to change who you are, your beliefs or your healthy choices. Make yourself happy!

Can you post below and let me know what YOU are doing to make your life better??

Find me on Facebook!!
Want to join a CHALLENGE GROUP?
Subscribe to my blog!! ;) It's FREE!!!
Love Instagram? @teelajuicingherman  (I will follow you back!)
or email me the "old fashioned" way HERE!

Stay Strong!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What IS Shakeology and Why do I Need it?

In July of 2013, I was checking out some various juicing support groups (surprise, surprise, right?!?!) on Facebook and I came across a woman in the group who seemed nice and friendly. She was going through a detox and you know me, I LOVE making friends with anyone interested in juicing! So I asked to be her friend on Facebook and I started following her on Instagram. She seemed like a normal person and she was very inspirational. Her passion for health and fitness was contagious. I couldn't be her friend and NOT be interested in what she was doing to get healthy (aside from juicing). 

See, by that time, I had been doing juice fasts off and on for 5 months and I felt very comfortable when I was on a juice fast but I always felt so lost and confused when it came time to reintroduce foods into my diet. When you don't know any better, and when you go to look up "healthy recipes" online, you can see that there are a WIDE RANGE of what people consider "healthy". So I felt like I was just spinning my tires. I'd get done with a juice fast, lose weight, then start eating, going back to what I knew, but not going out to eat processed foods....but still cutting back on portions and I would STILL gain weight back. Not all of it, of course, but MAN! I was SICK OF IT! I was SICK of putting my body through these spans of time where I wouldn't eat ANY food to lose weight, then as soon as I started eating again, I'd gain again! 

Another thing that was very concerning to me was that I had recently begun to lose my hair at what I felt was a pretty rapid speed. For those women who are reading who have had children, it was like what happens after you have a baby and your hormones change and you start losing some of your hair for a short period of time? But my hair loss was NOT slowing down. And life was going SO WELL at the time that I kept telling myself, "It's not a big deal! Everything is going good in your life and you are just trying to find something negative! You are probably making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. Maybe my hair has ALWAYS fallen out like this?? and I'm just being overly dramatic?" And my husband is such a great husband and he is so in love with me that when I asked him if HE noticed a difference, I believe he was being completely truthful when he told me that I looked as beautiful to him as ever and that he didn't notice a difference. It wasn't until I got out of the shower one night, completely self aware of how THIN my hair had REALLY got, and I broke down in tears. It was OBVIOUS I was losing my hair. I am not trying to take away from anyone going through chemotherapy at ALL, but when you see patients who are on chemo and they start losing their hair, that's what I looked like.  It was so twisted. Here I was, having worked HARD to go from 234 lbs down to about 175 lbs and now my HAIR was going to fall out?! Just when I was starting to gain my confidence and just as I was starting to love and accept my body! Man, I still had lessons to learn, I guess.

I knew SOMETHING needed to change and I had no idea what was causing my hair loss but I knew whatever I was doing wasn't working for me anymore. I KNEW I needed help with the proper things to feed my body. I asked my friend more about what she was doing to lose weight and she told me she was an independent coach with Beachbody. She explained the process she has set up for her challenge members but she said more than being a challenge member, she knew I'd be PERFECT for coaching. Did she see my picture? I was OUT. OF. SHAPE. I was about 175 lbs...and not a "fit" 175 either, but she saw my juice coaching and motivating and she said she knew I had the potential. It took me a while, but I FINALLY decided to become a coach in October of 2013, but I was still insecure.
"Who was going to want me to coach them??" I wondered. I wasn't close to a goal weight. And I didn't know how to eat clean, or what that even meant, really. She assured me that she would teach me all of that and help me get started. Something was STILL holding me back....I don't know what it was? Self doubt? Fear? Fear of failure? Fear of what other people would think?  Whatever it was, it was a lame excuse.

After a long talk with my husband (I'll save that for it's own blog...), we decided that since I was already a coach with Beachbody, that is where I was going to put my focus. I wanted to REALLY do something for myself, and more than just a challenge. I wanted to HOST a challenge. I was ready to push myself.

So as a "new" coach, I had a lot to learn. People always ask me what they "need" for my Challenge Groups.  I always recommended that my challenge members purchase a Challenge Pack. A Challenge Pack includes the fitness DVD program, a meal plan and a 30 day supply of Shakeology at a discount. Plus, you would get a 30 day trial VIP membership, a bonus workout and FREE shipping. 

Shakeology is the ultimate nutrition rich protein shake that provides healthy nutrients in a low calorie formula that your body can actually absorb. It takes the guesswork out of nutrition whether you use it as a meal replacement for weight loss, or just to make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for the best health (like my kids). With one serving, you get over 70 high-quality ingredients.

People always want a simple overview of Shakeology.

-  Average weight loss is 10 pounds for just adding the shake to your diets. (replacing one meal)
-  Reduces bad cholesterol an average of 38%!
-  Hair & nails grows faster (and thicker).
-  Skin looks and feels better due to the high amounts of antioxidants.
-  Lower your risk of degenerative diseases by 35%.
-  Builds and repairs muscle.
-  Reduces oxidative damage in the body by 45% on average and some even up to 90%!
-  Boost the immune system.
-  Stimulates friendly bacteria in the digestive system to keep you regular.
-  Shakeology is certified low Gylcemic. It is rated at 24 (An apple is 38 & a baked potato 93)

Most people want to know what exactly Shakeology is. 

Shakeology is a nutrition supplement that can be used as a meal replacement or as a snack. Shakeology provides your daily dose of dense nutrition in ONE serving which helps improve your health while at the same time, helping you combat your cravings and increase your metabolism. So it would help you reach your weight loss goals more quickly.

Most people want to know if they REALLY need it: 
It's not as if your daily workouts will be ineffective without it, but it would definitely help you achieve your goals faster than if you did NOT add it. 

Personally, the only things that were preventing me from trying it initially were the price and I remembered how Slim Fast, Special K Protein Drinks and Whey Protein never yielded any decent results for me. I just wanted something (with food included in the daily diet!!) that would work for me! My coach told me that ALL Beachbody products came backed with a 30 day money back guarantee. So that helped ease my mind a lot. I didn't want to be the person who sends back a fitness DVD and a meal replacement shake, but I also wasn't going to pay for crap results anymore, either. I had been feeling lost and I really wanted the help so I sat down with my husband and we went over our bank statements and calculated how had been spending on lunches and dinners eaten out, alcohol on the weekends and when we went out to dinner, jacking up the price of dinner EVEN MORE and all the other things that you never really think of, that really adds up like bottled water and soda, going out with the girls, spoiling our kids rotten..... It was CRAZY!!! and eye opening! And I knew that if we stuck to our budget, we could end up SAVING money. My husband wasn't so sold on the idea, but I was READY so I placed my order THAT NIGHT. That was back in September and I am proud to say I am NOT That Girl who sends back her meal replacement shakes and unused fitness DVD's!!!! 

This was the day my Shakeology came!
and this is me today at 134 pounds and wearing a size 2!!

Almost right away I noticed a major change in my appetite. I was going to bed at night without wanting my night-time snacks..
Within 1 week of drinking Shakeology, I noticed a major change in my energy levels. I was ready to jump out of bed  in the mornings FULL of energy and I noticed that I no longer felt like I NEEDED my afternoon nap, which had become a necessity up until that point.
Within 2 weeks I started to notice change in the way my clothes fit and also, my mood just seemed to be more positive than normal.
Within 1 month I had pretty much removed most of the processed foods and sugars from my diet and I had drastically cut back on grains and dairy. I was feeling AMAZING and the scale was singing my praises!Not to mention, my hair was growing back NOTICEABLY thicker and fuller than before!! I was gaining back my self confidence! My identity! My HAIR! 

-I just found out VERY recently during a training call with the website that there has been more and more information about long term juice fasting coming out because it's becoming more popular and it's been noted that some people can lose their hair if they are fasting for more than 15 days at a time because of the lack of protein. Now, it makes PERFECT sense that my hair loss stopped when it did and how it started growing back thicker than ever once I started drinking my Shakeology! Plus, my skin is clear and my fingernails are thick and not nearly as breakable anymore. It's like I'm on a prenatal vitamin!

Again, my husband takes a lot more convincing. I think he wanted to sit back and see how well (nor not so well) I'd do on this "Shakeology thing". He is pretty stubborn, but by the time he finally came around, I noticed instantly his nightly sweet tooth went away. He went to bed at night full and satisfied.

We felt great! Our minds were clear, as if we were 21+ days into a juice fast! Our bodies functioned better because we were now both active on a daily basis. Our diets was better than they had ever been. Our digestion improved greatly. It was amazing how 1 serving of Shakeology daily could have such a positive effect on us.   It's not "random", or a "coincidence", or "in your head" that you FEEL BETTER, within days. These are the smartest calories you'll put in your body!

It's so funny, I started drinking Shakeology, completely skeptical, not wanting to be That Girl who sends back her meal replacement shake and DVD, but I was ready to if this happened to turn out to be a waste of money, like every other weight loss gimmick I'd bought into in the past (aside from my juicing, of course). I wanted to lose weight and learn how to eat better. Now, 6 months later, I remain a loyal Shakeology customer for the fact that it keeps us healthy, keeps us functioning properly and because I believe it will not only improve, but save our lives, by keeping us as healthier than your average person. If I didn't stand behind our product 100%, I would never allow my three young boys to drink Shakeology (as a way to get in extra nutrients, not as a meal replacement for them, haha) which is why I am so passionate about sharing this with everyone I can. It's improved my life so greatly, I just want everyone else to feel as awesome as I do!

Just check out what these doctor's have to say about Shakeology! 

Did you know that Canada's version of the FDA (Health Canada) considers SHAKEOLOGY a MEDICINE?? All 70 holistic ingredients had to be approved medicinally before Shakeology could be imported.

-  Shakeology is MORE than a protein shake 
-  Shakeology is MORE than a meal replacement. 
-  Shakeology is MORE than an antioxidant drink. 
-  Shakeology is MORE than a weight loss shake.

Are you wondering why you would choose to purchase Shakeology over a protein shake and/or a multivitamin? 

Protein shake – The purpose of a protein shake is to help repair and build muscle tissue after a workout. Protein is an important element of a healthy diet, especially if weightlifting is part of your exercise routine. Muscles are made primarily of protein, so by adding protein post workout you will help them to repair and grow. However, protein shakes do not replenish essential nutrients, vitamins and acids lost during intense exercise. 

Multi-vitamin – This helps to replenish the vitamins and minerals in the body that are often depleted during exercise. Because of this, you need to consume the recommended daily allowance of vitamins, which becomes harder to do as you reduce calories to expedite weight loss. A daily multi-vitamin helps to prevent disease, maintain energy, and keeps your immune system strong. This aids in the prevention of illness and recovery. However, a multi-vitamin cannot be used as a meal replacement and it also does not help to build muscle tissue. 

Shakeology – This provides a protein source (17g) and all of the benefits of a multi-vitamin. Plus, it can be used as a meal replacement. This means that it can promote faster weight loss and faster muscled gains. Shakeology is a premium meal replacement shake that combines many health-boosting ingredients, including real food sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, protein and phytonutrients. These ingredients help to rebuild muscle, maximize cellular health, eliminate toxins, kick start metabolism, and lower cholesterol in as few as 30 days. It can also keep you blood sugar from spiking. A typical Whey protein shake cannot provide you with these benefits and neither will a multi-vitamin.  You get to enjoy a delicious complete shake, just once a day, which combines a protein shake and multi-vitamins plus so much more. I know from my experience that this is easier, more effective and less expensive.  

I have heard this often: "You don't NEED a shake to lose weight. You just need to exercise, watch your calories and eat clean", which is true. 

ALSO TRUE STATEMENT: When you cut your calories, you are consequentially reducing your volume of nutrients. That means you will still have cravings. Having cravings make temptations difficult and you tend to "cheat" more and trust me, the more you cheat, the more likely you are to give up on your goals. Secondly, when you reduce your calories and nutrients, you feel tired and your lack of energy usually leads to you missing workouts or sometimes even finding it hard to get through your day. Then, you reach for caffeine or the sugary junk food, which spikes your heart rate and then drops you flat on your face feeling even worse a few hours later. These are the two main reasons I've fount that people are inconsistent with losing weight and one of the main reasons people end up giving up. They are tired and miserable and that just makes it even harder to stick to anything new, especially a lifestyle change. ... 

IN SUMMARY: Yes, you CAN lose weight safely and successfully with just diet and exercise alone. But, by adding Shakeology, because it's so extremely nutrient dense at just 160 calories a serving, your body is satisfied AND FULL because you are fueling it with some of the best nutrients available, all in one serving. Hence, you don't experience cravings. Additionally, because of super-food blend of ingredients, you naturally get a rested energy so that you don't "crash", you can workout harder and you don't experience those horrible cravings you get from the diets where you deprive yourself . Additionally, because Shakeology is 100% natural, you're not "tricking" your body and harming it with chemicals (or metals) that ultimately reduce your bodies natural performance just so your body thinks it's hungry. 

Bottom line, do you NEED Shakeology to be healthy and lose weight? No. But it sure does make the entire lifestyle change EASIER and also way more enjoyable. It only makes sense to use this remarkable product to HELP you along in the process. Take care of your health and well-being now, while you still have the chance to do something about it!  Add me on Facebook: Teela Juicing Herman or send me an EMAIL ( if you have any questions about Shakeology, Challenge Packs, any of our workout DVD's, or if you are interested in earning income helping other people just like I do!

I hope to add you to our amazingly supportive Challenge Group today!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Clean Eating and Weight Loss

I've had a LOAD of questions come from readers all over asking me, "Okay, so you did you juice fasts/reboots/cleanses and you've lost weight. That's great, but now what are you doing?"

And I never really thought it appropriate to write about eating on my juice blog but I guess it's my blog, and I guess since I get SO MANY questions about it.....people want to know, right? So why not?

Well, I "eat clean", leaning more towards a paleo type diet.

What does all of that mean anyway?!

Well, I'll admit, there are a lot of grey ares when talking about clean eating and paleo but what it means to ME is....

I personally do not eat processed foods.
I do not eat refined sugars.
I avoid dairy (I've replaced my dairy milk with almond milk) and I only use grass fed, organic cheese as a rare treat.
I do not eat grains (breads, pasta, beer, rice, ect) and instead use almond meal/flour and coconut flour.
I've replaced vegetable oil with coconut oil, a much healthier alternative.
We use FRESH fruits and vegetables, we don't eat out of a box.
Fried white potatoes are no longer a food group of ours.
I only drink water, kombucha, fresh-made juice, a smoothie or my nightly protein drink for dinner.
With poultry, we always try to get cage free, hormone/antibiotic free, organic and with all other meats, we try to go with grass fed, hormone free. It's hard feeding a family of 5 on an all natural and organic diet, trust me, until I became a coach, I wasn't able to DREAM of it!!! But if you stalk your butcher's counter (and if you are brave enough to ask them about the time of day and which day of the week they do their meat markdowns for the GOOD can really get a GOOD deal! We have a deep freezer and because the SELL BY date (not to be confused with the USE BY date) was coming up, I was able to LOAD UP on some cage free, organic chicken legs from the grocery store today, saving 25% on at least 3 packages (I think I forced myself to stop at 3 because I knew I was going to buy some fancy nitrate free sausage@ La-de-da! :p)

What do you make with nitrate free sausage, you ask? I am SO glad you asked! I'd be happy to not just tell you, but let me SHOW you!

Grass fed, nitrate, nitrite, and MSG free sausage, snap peas, and baby corn. 
This meal was simple, easy and DELICIOUS!

I could sit up until 5 am sharing with you photos of the foods I've made recently, and I'm sure I WILL be staying up until 5 am sharing with you photos of the food I've made...but not tonight.

I've also started working out 6 days a week, for at least 30 minutes a day. I give it everything I've got for those intense 30 minutes and I've been committed to those exercises and I replace one meal a day with a really good tasting and nutritious protein shake.

I started working from home, getting paid to do what I am most passionate about, which is getting healthy, working out, inspiring others and then helping them get on the right track to good health with proper diet and daily exercise. My life has changed so much over the last 2 months and ALL for the better!

I now run these Clean Eating/Fitness Challenge Groups that are just AMAZING and that help me and my challenge members stay accountable and motivated because as a team we post our "sweaty selfies" or our post-workout photos, we post photos of our meals, we share our struggles and our success and recipes and ideas. It's just an amazing group of people that help support one another and when you are on Facebook, you can't avoid it. It's right there. You HAVE to stay accountable. I can't say enough about it, it's just great!

Here is my photo collage for BEFORE starting the 90 Day Challenge (which started March 3, 2014):

I finished my first "block" of my fitness program (the first 26 days) and was told to take measurements, photos and my weight.

 Ya know, it's crazy. Fitness wise, I've NEVER stuck with something this long, EVER. I've been working out 6 days a week during this. I think I  missed 2 days due to going camping and then getting sick. But other than that, I've stayed with the program and I am proud.

You know how sometimes you start to do an exercise and you can feel a difference but you get discouraged because you look in the mirror but you just can't see the difference??? About one week in I could feel muscles on my chest that I didn't know where there! I even joked about it on Facebook somewhere.

Then Day 26 came...... and truth be told, I was scared. I had told everyone on Facebook that I was going to be posting my progress photos online and I waited until the end of the day AFTER we were done with the workout....because, ya know, I needed those extra muscles, right? ;o)

My husband took the photos and hours later when I went to put the progress photos next to each other and I saw the photo of me flexing, I about died! And then When I saw that my stomach is flattening out! Oh my gosh! I am NOT sucking in in either of those photos. Because I wanted a real actuate track of how my body was going to change, I "let it all hang out" so to speak.

I've gained so much self confidence from all of this!! I am not focused on the weight loss anymore. I'm technically one pound away from my "goal weight" that I set with my doctor not too long ago, so I will me backing an appointment with her later this week. I am SO proud of where I am and how far I've come! SO, SO, SO proud. I feel like I can move mountains now! And yet, I still have work to do. And I think that's perfectly fine, don't  you?

I had a friend post something on his/her page about "when is enough ever enough? when you get to your goal weight, is it going to be 10 more pounds?" or something along those lines. And I think both the person who posted that and the person who wrote it might not understand because they have possibly never reached a goal of that magnitude before.

Let me tell you something.

Being 137 pounds is something the old me would have bet AGAINST!
Wearing a size 2/4 is something the old me would have bet AGAINST!
Going to a yoga class for the first time and doing a move that the yoga teacher couldn't do is something the old me would have bet AGAINST!
Lacing up my shoes and going out for a run is something the old me would have bet AGAINST!
Actually looking FORWARD to my nightly workout is something the old me would have bet AGAINST!
Giving up nasty junk food like chips, candy, soda and alcohol was something that the old me would have bet AGAINST!
Becoming a weight loss coach, becoming a fitness coach is something that the old me would have bet AGAINST.

but something in me has changed. I've always been a winner, but now I refuse to accept anything less than what I deserve. Plain and simple. And I won't let anything stop me from achieving my goals. I am improving myself, I am improving my family and I am improving those who are serious, dedicated and who want the LIFESTYLE change, not just the quick weight loss.

Life is about yours?

If you are struggling and need help, reach out! I'm here!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

1-13-2014 ONE YEAR LATER

I remember waking up January 13, 2013 around 5ish am, nervous, excited and scared to death to fail. I was about to start my first 40 day juice fast.

I had failed at so many things when it came to losing weight {MY} way in the past. 

Let's face it. 

No one likes being told: "This is what you need to do to lost weight and of you don't do X, Y, and Z, then you are a big fat lazy failure that deserves to be fat, made fun of and you deserve to settle for the rest of your life, you stupid fat dumbo!"

I'm sorry, but I'm here to tell you that that is just bullshit. 

I am not fortune teller. I can't promise you that this will be your magic answer....but I CAN promise you that it has been MY magic answer, and it has been the magic answer so, so many other countless clients of mine and many other countless people whom I don't even know....

And even IF this is NOT your magic answer, that is OKAY. There IS a magic answer out there for you. I promise. Send me an email and we can work on clean eating and exercise and finding that magic answer. But you CAN do this, and when you do come out on the other side of this feeling victorious because you set a goal, and hey, maybe you stumbled, maybe you didn't.....but you made it to the other side!!!! And THAT'S all that matters!!! 

Here I am on February 15, 2014 and in all honesty, I wouldn't have believed my life today had you told me 6 months ago! Truthfully, I wouldn't have believed it had you told me even 3 months ago! 

18 months ago I was less than 5 pounds away from being considered morbidly obese by BMI standards. That's......shocking. No. It's more than that, it's sobering. It's alarming it's sickening, it's sad. I don't know? What do YOU think? Could there be women out there this size and bigger....

who are TRULY comfortable inside their own skin? I mean, I guess it's possible? It's not very likely or common.....but it is possible. But I will be honest, I was not, nor am I one of those women. I might have hidden behind that smile but you can also see I tried to throw my children in throng of me as barriers to hid my frame, though I wasn't doing a very good job of it. If my memory serves correct, I even remember bickering at my husband for not standing more directing in front of my, blocking me even more. I truly hated cameras. And myself.    

But I researched it. I found support. I jumped in with both feet and I told myself that I was going to accept !!!NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

It was hard. 
I wanted to quit like everything else I had quit before. 
I looked for every excuse to end my fast. 
tried to tell myself that "juicing wasn't for me" when I knew deep down I was looking for a way out. 

I'm glad I kept the faith. I'm glad I found a support system and I'm glad I stuck with it when my brain screamed out for me to eat food!!!!! 

It's been a long hard road and I am no where near perfect. I don't believe that any if us walking this earth are, actually. We all fall, we all stumble, we all make mistakes. The most important part of stumbling, is standing back up and playing it off. Learn from your mistake! But let your stumble be graceful and not turn into an avalanche! 

I also believe I am an addict when it comes to food and I always will be an addict. Right now I am a recovering addict, but for the grace of God, there go I. I am no better than the 345 woman who is ordering drive thru at McDoland's right now. NO BETTER!!! The only difference between the two of us is that I am currently a recovering addict. Thank you, God. Who knows what next month, next year or the next 10 years holds? I like to think that I've learned a lot, but I also know a lot about addiction and it's nothing that can ever be cured. I'm not silly enough to think I'm "fixed" and I know damn well,better than to think I'm better than anyone else. 

I just finally fit my rock bottom on February 13, 2013 and decided to start my first 40 day juice fast which changed my life forever. 

Here I am today, feeling under and more fantastic than EVER!! 


If you are interested  in a a clean eating and fitness challenge group, send me an email  at leave your email ✉ below or just leave me a comment! I'm looking for clients who are interested and committed to changing their lives! Let's DO this!! 

Light Green Machine

*i was in such a rush, I didn't get a chance to measure the amount. I know this made more than one serving but less than two servings, so maybe one and a half*

1 Granny Smith
2 small handfuls of pineapple
5 small leaves of kale
5 leaves of romaine 
1/2 cucumber
2 sticks of celery
1/2 lime (juiced with the peel)
(Ginger if wanted, I omitted) 

This drink was DELICIOUS!!!

I have a best friend who can't drink a lot of grapefruit and she isn't the biggest fan of kale bit knows she wants to juice it I want to make some really green juices that have kale in them, but that taste overwhelmingly "green" if you get my drift. 

I really would put this on the list for juice recipes for beginners to try. You don't have to use too much pineapple if you are experienced if you happen to be watching your sugar intake,....and if you want to try to keep the sugar even lower, you COULD replace half of the pineapple with half of a grapefruit? ****always make sure too check your prescriptions before drinking grapefuit juice****

Have questions?? Ask them below or send me am email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mango Swirl

This was my reward for making it to day 31. 

This was all fruit and almost too sweet but every drop of delicious. This recipe made less than 16 oz with ice, and my son fought me for it! 

2 cara cara oranges
1 mango
6 oz blackberries

(Remember, this juice is all fruit and high in sugar, so treat this as a dessert and only drink this occasionally if you are on a juice fast/cleanse/reboot) 

You could thin this juice out with some coconut water, if you wanted. It would probably taste delicious with some celery.