
Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 39

39 days.

I've got to say, I'm impressed. While I knew I was stubborn, during that first week, I just wasn't sure I was going to make it.

I had just about every negative thought under the sun. I didn't really post much about it because I could just TELL I was in a bad mood. Look, some of these things I'm ashamed of....but I'm going to still admit to them because I've found that sometimes it really DOES help people because sometimes people are feeling some of the same things and I want them to know, they are NOT crazy. Or if they are crazy, there's a woman in Texas who's equally batty. Crazies Unite!!!!

During the first week I....
*thought what I was doing was INSANE.
*thought I wasn't being healthy about this "diet thing" (boy was I wrong).
*thought that feeling like crap was never going to go away.
*didn't think I'd ever make it.
*would literally cry and throw really ugly fits because I was either pissed that I wasn't losing enough weight, comparing myself to others or because I just really wanted fast food (crap food).
*I treated my husband like crap because I was jealous of his success (I have apologized profusely and I am so lucky to have had his support this entire time).
*treated myself like crap and no amount of weight loss was good enough.
*told myself that "no one would ever know if I cheat" (but found great victory in staying strong).
*felt like I was never going to lose enough weight.
*felt like here I was STARVING MYSELF (soooo not true) and yet ONLY losing a fraction of a pound.
*just KNEW that in the end, I was going to still be fat, miserable and disappointed.

These days I still have my easy (no problems, no cravings) days and my harder days (days where I am still tempted) but I am NOT fat (I have some fat left to lose, but I repeat, I am NOT fat). I am SO happy, full of life and inspired! And I'm about as far from disappointed as one can get.

In the past 39 days I......
*have learned that I can do absolutely anything I can set my mind to.
*learned so much about myself.
*took control of my life.
*broke my addiction to unhealthy foods.
*stood strong when I felt like I was going to crumble.
*have had to FACE my emotions head on and not run to food.
*have celebrated and went on vacation and did not allow food to control my life.
*have a much better understand of what good foods and bad foods are.
*feel like I can stand on my own.
*went on a raw vegan diet for 39 days!
*feel like I can actually get to a healthy weight.....and maintain it!
*have had the energy of a 20 year old.
*have naturally become more active and because of that, my house is cleaner!
*have spent far more QUALITY time with my husband and children.
*can say I truly love my body and myself. Inside AND out.

This is NOT just weight loss. If you get stuck on weight loss alone, you'll end up giving up. This is about an entire change from head to toe. I haven't just lost an awesome amount of weight, I'm healthy, I'm HAPPY, I love life, I feel great! I've gone from a size 18 to a size 12. I've learned how to take control of my life and I just couldn't be happier.

One last thing......I went to visit my sons teacher yesterday. The last time I really spent a lot of time with her was the day after I started my 40 day fast. I walked in the class and some of the kids ran to hug me. I walked up to the teacher I told her something about my son and when I was done she asked, "have you lost weight or something?" And I said, "Yeah. I started this crazy juice fast the day before our Valentines Day Party and I've lost a little over 23 pounds but more than that, I feel amazing!" And she said, "I honestly didn't recognize you."

Wow. Isn't that awesome!? I thanked her for that wonderful compliment and it was hard to fit my head through the classroom door! Lol Seriously though, that was the best compliment I've received in I don't know how long. I'll be taking all kinds of photos tomorrow to share with everyone.

If you aren't sure about this....if you don't know if it will be worth it.....TRUST ME! IT WILL!!!

I get absolutely NOTHING (no money, no products, NOTHING) from my blog or from anything I say. I blog because it helps me and I've been told it helps other people. I say what I say because it DOES work. I'm just so happy that my husband had me watch Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead. It honestly changed my life. I have never been so passionate about something like this in my entire life.

Stay strong and juice on, y'all!
Teela Juicing Herman


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing us about this update. Hope you will not get tired on making posts as informative as this.


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