
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Goals (Day 37)

Well, this is kind of odd.

I realized the other day that I never really set any goals before starting the fast other than to
*finish the 40 days
*lose some weight and
*become healthier.

Well, aside from the 40 day part (that happens in 3 more days), I think I can successfully say I've reached the other 2 very broad goals. I'm not at the end yet so I won't go and list all of the changes....but I've certainly lost weight and don't think there is a doctor out there, compared to where I was 37 days ago, who would argue that I am not MUCH healthier today.

In June of 2012, at my max weight, I told my husband I wanted weight loss surgery because "the lowest weight I can ever remember being (since High School-I think I was about 150 pounds in HS) was 175 pounds. And even THAT is considered overweight!" And I truly felt helpless. I felt like I was going to have to start some eating disorder to get my weight below 175 pounds.

Then, a little over a week ago, my husband and I were talking about the future and where we wanted to be at the end of our 40 days and I told him, "You know, at this point, I think I'd be happy if by the end of the 40 days, I broke through and made it into the 160's." I even doubted myself and gave myself an out, "I mean, I'll still be happy if I don't....but it would be nice."

And today...... I did it! I said goodbye to the 170's and I'm now in the 160's. Granted, this morning it was 169.2.......I'LL TAKE IT!!! And I'll stop being so damn hard on myself, too! So WHAT that it's 169!?!!?!? When I weighed 234 pounds, if someone came up to me and told me, "would you like to weigh 169 pounds?" I doubt I would have sat down and tried to bargain my way to a lower weight!!! I would of said, "Hell yes I do!"

That doesn't mean I'm going to stop now! I am going to finish the last few days of my fast strong. I'm going to prove to myself (and to everyone else out there who thought I'd never make it) that not only CAN I do this, but that I DID it.

My homework assignment for you all: At the end of the day today and here on out, tell yourself  "I made the decision to make it one more day without eating food (or I made it one more day making the best and most healthy choices). I am BADASS!" And BELIEVE it!!! It's empowering to know that YOU and you ALONE made the decision to stay strong. So on that note....

Stay strong and juice on, y'all!

Teela Juicing Herman


  1. Way to go! You should be proud of all the hard work you did!

    1. Kate,
      Thank you so much! I really am proud. When I started this journey, I didn't like myself very much and I was mad because I didn't feel like the weight was coming off fast enough (I tend to compare myself to others and I am really working on that) and I felt I DESERVED to have the weight just fall off overnight. Now, I've learned to love my body and more importantly, myself. Wile the weight loss has been great, my entire life has changed and I feel like a 21 year old, not like an old, worn out, exhausted and miserable 30 year old who felt more like a 40 year old.

      Sometimes I feel like a loon for being so passionate about this but I just can't help it. I got a juicer and I bought fresh fruits and vegetables and that's IT!

      Are you on a juice fast? If so, when did you start?

      Thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving me comments. I love, love, love getting comments from my readers! I hope to hear from you again soon!

      God bless!

  2. Fantastic results, you should be very very very very proud of yourself! You still even have time to lose another pound or so over the next 3 days. How many days do you plan to break your fast over?

    1. Thank you so much! I won't be exclusively juicing long term again until May (or at least, that's my plan this morning). I will still be juicing 2 meals a day (I'm hoping this will be my normal everyday lifestyle) and then eating a clean and healthy lunch or dinner. I know I will occasionally splurge and have unhealthy foods, but this will be a rare occasion, not even weekly. I know that for me, the processed foods and fast foods are a slippery slope and I just don't want to go back there. :) it's kind if odd to say this, on the last official day of my fast....but I'm already looking forward to my juice fast throughout May.

  3. Awesome! I am so happy for you! Did your husband do this with you? I will be there someday soon too :-)

    1. I wold say he juiced about 95% of the time. We are going to take our "after" photos today and I am working on a blog with his story. I want to make sure to put something out there for all the guys.

      I want to thank you so very much for all of your love, support and friendship throughout my journey. You are an amazing woman and I am grateful that God brought you into my life. I will be looking heavily towards you over the next few weeks on how to get my family on a healthy vegetarian based diet. You are an amazing friend and again, I thank you.


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