
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How To Find Me :)

I have some really amazing and diverse readers and I would like to reach out and get to know you all more and I'd be honored if you would allow me to. I have a couple of ideas, so let me know what you think.

I started a strictly juicing profile on Facebook: Teela Juicing Herman

I just started a group on Facebook where you can find support, ask questions and build friendships: Juicing Journeys
 Anyone is welcomed to join the group, no matter if you just make juice for fun or if you want to go all drastic and crazy like me. I just started the group today, so come meet people, offer support, ask and answer questions. Help us start an awesome juicing group on Facebook! 

And of course, you can always leave me a comment on any of my blogs! I just LOVE getting blog comments. :)

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