
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Two Weeks Down

I've been on my juice fast for over 2 weeks now and I've gotta say, I'm feeling pretty darn good! I haven't lost as much weight as I'd have liked BUT I feel better than I could have imagined! I have more energy than I've had since before having kids! And I feel like I have control! I feel empowered! I've gone 2 weeks without eating food. I've gone 2 weeks on a raw vegan diet. I've felt like giving up far more times than I'd like to admit, but I've stayed strong.

These past 2 weeks have been much harder than I ever imagined but I have so much more confidence than ever before. I know every single thing I've put into my body these last 2 weeks. It feels wonderful! I am in control.

I am really looking forward to eating foods and making the right choices.

I gained 1.2 lbs since yesterday but I didn't automatically hate myself for it this morning like i normally would. I didn't automatically think of ways to completely sabotage myself. I'm not cheating. I'm only putting good fruits and vegetables in my body. My body loves me and I am learning to love my body.

What about you? Where are you in YOUR journey and how do you feel?


  1. You are so awesome! I am so happy that you have come this far and you haven't given in to temptation!

  2. Your blog is truly an inspiration to me! I am waiting for my juicer to arrive, and then I am going to attempt a 60 day juice fast. I was feeling really "iffy" about when i first decided to do it, but you have given me so much motivation that I can really do it :) Keep it up and keep posting!

    1. That is amazing!!!! I wish you the best of luck! Thank you so much for continuing to read my blog. :)

  3. A nice technique I like to use is to measure my waist as well. Your weight can vary within 5 pounds just from water retention alone. If you have a measurable record of inch loss, it is much more satisfying than a fluxuating weight number that will you will only notice trending downwards after a few weeks.

    1. Thanks, Zach! That is a wonderful idea. I'll have to try that now!


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