
Monday, June 17, 2013

Juicing With Joe

Have you ever been completely inspired by someone you've never met? Did that same person help change your life and rearrange your life goals?

What would you do if you got to meet that person?

What would you say? 

I got the opportunity tonight to meet and talk with the one person who has been the most influential in my life. I got to meet Joe Cross! 

Not only did I get get meet him, I got to talk to him and I was also filmed telling my story. I was a bumbling idiot during my interview but I did drop off 2 of my "before" photos and somehow got in that one year ago I was 234 lbs and a pound or two short of being morbidly obese. I talked about how I watched the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead in January of this year and completed my 40 day reboot. I doubt I'll be featured on the new documentary he's working on, but the two camera men told my boys, "Hey, you know your mom is awesome, right?" Awww!! 

Then I was able to meet Joe and get a photo with him. The sun was setting, I was next in line to meet him and then his crew told him that he had just 2 minutes left and then they needed him to move on. I honestly didn't want to take away from someone else's time, so I just shook his hand and told him, "Joe, I can thank you enough. You've inspired me to change my entire life and I've never been happier or healthier." He told me he was happy to hear that and then we took the photo. I told him that it was an honor to meet him and that was it. I could have stood there and took up the entire 2 minutes but I believe in karma. I got to tell my story and I got to get a photo with Joe Cross!!! 

It feels amazing! 

I got to thank the person who inspired me to change, thus helping me inspire others who are in turn, inspiring even more people! 

And to think, I almost didn't go. I didn't have anyone who wanted to go with me so I was just going to stay home and always wonder, "what if?" But my husband wouldn't allow that. He asked me if I was going. I told him I didn't want to go alone and that I didn't want to drive through Austin traffic. He offered to take the whole family!!! He said he couldn't just watch me not go because I couldn't find someone to go with me. He also said that he knew I would do the same for him. And he's totally right. 

So thanks to my husband, I was able to thank Joe Cross for inspiring me and helping me change my life and attain goals I never imagined possible. 

What an amazing night! 

Stay strong and juice on, y'all! 

Teela Juicing Herman


  1. I can totally feel your excitement about meeting Joe Cross and how much he has changed your life! I never could have possibly imagined how much I would love juicing and how easy it is for me to accomplish. You name it and I have tried it, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, diet pills, and I was always craving and hungry. I can't explain it but with juicing I am getting the nutrients I need and I'm happy. We went out of town for two weeks and I was not able to juice. I ate fruits for breakfast, salad for lunch, had a normal dinner, came home and resume juicing. A big thanks to you also for helping to inspire me and your other followers by sharing recipes and telling us about your accomplishments! Cindy

  2. I literally cried while reading your blog. I too am a big fan of Joe and wish I could have seen him like you. i juice fasted for 5 days last month and loved it. I have a neurological disorder called dystonia. similar to parkinsons and found that the more I juice the more energy I have. I know juicing won't cure me but quality of life has many guises. i have 30 lbs. to go.I am on Weight Watchers and its hard to count the points. But your site and seeing Joe with you got me fired up!


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