
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Peach Pie Dessert Juice

Do you ever feel like having dessert for lunch?

I did today and decided to make the Peach Pie Juice that all the juicers from our Facebook group have been raving about. The original recipe makes enough juice for my entire family to enjoy and I just didn't need that much so I cut it down and made this delicious version of the original.

Peach Pie Dessert Juice (yielded about 16 oz)
2 peaches
1/2 med. size sweet potato
1 small red delicious apple
2 shakes of cinnamon

I'm confident with this juice as a dessert, I can stay strong and keep juicing for a while. I low trying a new juice and finding that I really, really like it. This juice is a must try! 

I don't juice sweet potatoes as often and I should. Sweet Potatoes are high in vitamin B6 which helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies.  Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including the prevention of heart attacks. They contain vitamins C and D which can improve our immune system, reduces tress and is great for smooth, younger looking skin. Sweet potatoes also contain magnesium and iron, which help our energy levels and also help reduce stress. *


  1. I just tried this recipe also, I cut it down and only used one sweet potato and it made enough juice for two. I was surprised bythe amount of juice that actually comes out of a sweet potato and how good the recipe tasted overall. I was a bit skeptical about juicing a sweet potato because I didn't think they would taste as good in a juice as they do baked, I was wrong! My husband hates sweet potatoes and won't eat them but I gave him a glass of juice and he really liked it, when he asked what was in it and I told him he was really surprised.

    1. Hahaha! Have you noticed the almost milky white liquid you get in the bottom of your glass when juicing a sweet potato? At first, I scared myself and thought I drank bad juice and then I spent some time on google and found out that it's just the starch from the sweet potato.

      I never liked cooked sweet potatoes so I was very hesitant to try juicing sweet potatoes but they are really good. No that's awesome that your husband also liked the drink. I love how juicing allows us to drink a bunch of vegetables that we wouldn't normally consume daily.

  2. Wow, I've never thought to use sweet potatos in my juices. Now I know how many benefits they have. I think sweet potatos were genetically produced from potatos and carrots and now have their both benefits, even more. I'll try this juice. Thanks for sharing!

  3. thanks for this usefull article, waiting for this article like this again.
    juicing tips


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