
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mama Called The Doctor (and the doctor said)

I'm floored.

A very long and very boring story short(er?), I ended up going to see my family care physician yesterday due to a persistent ear infection. I explained to him my new "diet" for lent, I explained my addiction to bad foods, I explained what I am consuming (gave him an example of a day of juice for me) and that I am consuming it only through juice, told him that I have been feeling wonderful (aside from the pesky ear infection) and I thought he was going to tell me, "Well you stupid little girl, no wonder you are sick!!! You can't do this! This is NOT GOOD!" And then I even imagined him telling me that it would be just fine to stop and grab a hamburger at my local drive thru on the way home!!!!

And boy was I wrong!

He listened. He flipped through my chart and noted that I last saw him in August and I was 216 lbs then. He applauded me. He told me that while he thought that what I was doing was a bit "drastic," he was very happy with the changes in my life and he wanted me to continue!!!

After I told him that I take a daily multivitamin, omega 3's and vitamin D drops, the only suggestion he had was protein powder, although he said he understood my reasonings for doing this through lent and he was fine with me going without protein that long.

I asked him if he wanted to run any special blood work on me to monitor me during this fast and he said he did not. He felt completely comfortable with my lifestyle change and he complete supports it. He asked that I see him again in 6 months and I am going to schedule a physical then, as well.

One thing I've not mentioned is my Crohn's disease. I was on medicine and was pain daily due to this disease and I have had no Crohn's related pain since starting my fast. I've read that cabbage juice (I try to get in cabbage almost daily) helps reduce the inflammation of ulcers, so it makes sense.

I am NOT a doctor, so please see your own family care physician to get the go-ahead. I feel so great after I saw my doctor. I know it's only been slightly over a week, but I decided to post a before and during photo. I've hit a plateau and decided its best for me to stop weighing in daily. I did these side by side photos and it makes me feel better already. If I can make that kind of change in just a week, imagine the change at the end of my 40 days!?!?

I'm not crazy, am I? Can you see the change? The "before" shirt is an XL and the pink shirt is a size L. Same pants.


  1. See! You are doing awesome! I can tell the difference, you aren't crazy, just CRAZY AWESOME!

  2. Awesome, no you are not crazy, I have lost 92 lbs that was jump started from a 45 day juice fast. I fast every couple of month's now for about a week at a time. My father died of Crohn's it is an evil disease. Funny thing though I was talking to a friend & it came up that her grandson has crohn's he is 8 and after a stay at the hospital he did his own research and now juices every day and eats totally vegetarian and he is not having any trouble at all. Which is kind of funny as years ago (we are talking over 40) my dad was told not to eat vegetables for his crohn's although to be honest I can't remember if it had been diagnosed yet, as he was misdiagnosed for years. Congratulations on your juice fast and keep up the great job. This is the most loving thing that you can do for yourself

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and support. It means so much to me and it helps keep me motivated!!
      I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My father died of a massive heart attack a few years ago when he was just 59 and that's what really motivated me to get my butt in gear and lose some weight.
      I still struggle with wanting food to chew food and the fact that my weight has plateaued, but then I realize how GOOD I feel. I haven't had caffeine in almost 2 weeks and I have more energy than I've had since before having children.
      And WOW! What an amazingly smart little 8 year old boy!!!


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